Derek Bennett, UKIP's regional organiser for the West Midlands, has sent out the following:
The Newcastle-under-Lyme UKIP Branch members are organising a BARN DANCE for Saturday, 11th October, 2008. Tickets cost £8 per person, a meal of either meat and potato pie or a chicken wrap is included in the price of the ticket.
The barn dance starts at 7.30 pm and is to be held at the Red Street Community Centre Nr junction 16 of the M6.
Tickets can be purchased from Derek Huckfield, telephone: 01782 628740. He will be pleased to give you further details and directions.
Enjoy a fun night with UKIP, last year's barn dance was a great success enjoyed by all.
Regards, Derek Bennett.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
UKIP Barn Dance
UKIP Barn Dance

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About the author:
Josh O'Nyons is a former UKIP member.


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UKIP Barn Dance
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