Sir, It is truly disturbing in the current economic and financial global crisis to witness Presidents Sarkozy and Barroso strutting about at Camp David with President Bush. The idea that the European Union can offer a solution to current world problems must be weighed against its own systemic failures over the last few decades.
The failure of the Lisbon economic agenda, the high and increasing levels of unemployment in the euro-zone, the massive costs of over-regulation which are destroying enterprise, the total failure of the Stability and Growth Pact, the assumed irreversible nature of the European Union legal framework, and the promotion of bureaucracy at the expense of democracy is testament to the reasons why the current model of the European Union is not fit for purpose.
International conferences and co-operation based on free and fair markets and democratic principles are necessary and laudable, but no confidence can possibly be placed in the track record of the current model of European Union speaking with its so-called single voice, whose economic failures precede the current financial crisis and are partly responsible for it.
Economic success will only come about if the European Union reverts to an association of democratic nation states co-operating together but without a centralised, bureaucratic, undemocratic model of government.
Bill Cash, MP
House of Commons, SW1
Monday, 20 October 2008
Sunday Times: EU should not "give advice" on money!
This letter was in the Sunday Times yesterday. It's a pretty good summing up but a mention of the rampant fraud and corruption that has seen their own internal auditors refuse to sign off their accounts for 13 years on the trot would have rounded it off nicely.
Bill Cash,
Sunday Times
Sunday Times: EU should not "give advice" on money!
Bill Cash|Sunday Times|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Sunday Times: EU should not "give advice" on money!
Bill Cash|Sunday Times|
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