UKIP Dorset News October Edition is out now. With some great news for those of you who wasn't at UKIP's conference this year The “UKIP Surrey News” stall sold “County Editions” to 11 other counties.
The Dorset branches will hopefully launch their-own ‘free’ newspaper in conjunction with Surrey UKIP this month. ‘UKIP Dorset News’ will be available soon in both paper and PDF versions and will be available every 2 -3 months. Dorset North has an initial order of 2,000, and hopes to increase this number as help is found to distribute the issues. UKIP Christchurch has already ordered 14,000. Other branches in Dorset have ordered the paper to. There will be an election special for April - May 2009.
If anyone can help deliver the paper in Dorset please contact john@ukipdorsetnorth.org.uk
Perhaps one day Dorset news will be as big as UKIP Surrey news which had a print run of 82,000 in July.
Onwards and upwards.October edition
UKIP's PPC candidate for North Warwickshire Steve Fowler is currently helping start the new branch.This is great news and shows UKIP is continuing to grow as earlier this year John Tennant helped set up the UKIP Newcastle Upon Tyne Branch which was a great opportunity for UKIP to gain a foothold in Newcastle.A UKIP Perry Barr branch was also set up earlier this year.
On the 20th October there will be a meeting on starting the new North Warwickshire Branch,the venue is the Greenman Public House, 68 High street, Coleshill ,Birmingham,West Midlands ,B46 3AH.
If you are a UKIP or member or not and live in West Midlands or near to where the meeting is taking place please feel free to come along.
You can keep upto date with Steve Fowler's progress at,
Steve Fowler's UKIP Blog
EU Referendum 2008

Finally the people of the United Kingdom will actually have their say on the EU , Well the people of Luton north London will (at least it’s a start) as ITV's Tonight programme, hosted by Sir Trevor McDonald, is staging an EU referendum in Luton. Three thousand local residents (although Luton has a total population of 202,500) will have the chance to vote 'Yes' or 'No' to the Lisbon Treaty, and whether to stay in or come out of the EU.
The Democracy Movement is leading the 'No' side and supporting DM activists on the campaign trail so far have been the Labour MP for Luton North, Kelvin Hopkins, together with Thomas Rupp and Gayle Kinkead from the European Referendum Campaign.
'Pop svengali' music producer and Pop Idol judge Pete Waterman has also pledged his support for a 'No' vote, as has Bob Crow - RMT union leader and chair of Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution.
The programme will be broadcast on ITV1 at 8pm, Monday 13 October so set your recorders now you know how annoying it can be when you miss something.
An excellent idea and something that UKIP should seriously consider doing. The BNP make a lot of money selling copies of their newspaper and they find it a good way of spreading their racist crap amongst their supporters.
Yes i agree we need now to start to cover all ways of getting us known nationally and locally.
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