The UK Independence Party
Teesside Branch
Dear Friends
As you will be aware we have planned a Table top day in the Centre of Sunderland for Sat 28th March, sadly, due to bad weather this will not be practical.
If any supporters are keen to assist us this weekend then I would like to suggest that you consider a little leafleting in your own area.
If you wish to participate in this activity then please let me know by return with the following details;
Number of leaflets required.
Name and address fore leaflets to be delivered.
Providing I have this information before the end of this day (Midnight), I shall ensure they are delivered to your door first thing in the morning.
Please be sure to keep a note of the area that you actually deliver to.
If there are any local members in our local area, Stockton, that would consider leafleting in Inglby Barwich this Sunday, in preparation for a By-Election then please contact me on the above number.
I have made provisional plans to have a table and leaflet give out in Sunderland City Centre on the following Saturday 4th April, so please make a note in your diary for this day, details will be sent out mid week.
I look forward to hearing from you al soon
Yours sincerely
Gordon H. Parkin
UKIP Lead Candidate
Friday, 27 March 2009
Cancelled event in Sunderland
Teesside Branch have sent following message ...
Gordon Parkin,
Cancelled event in Sunderland
Gordon Parkin|Sunderland|Teesside|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Cancelled event in Sunderland
Gordon Parkin|Sunderland|Teesside|
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