I am not, despite what the UKIP website says, the chairman of Telford & Wrekin UKIP and haven't been for a couple of years. While others, like Greg L-W, were actively trying to bring down the party they supposedly support, I did a stint as chairman when I was needed.
And despite saying this several times, Greg L-W's stunted intelect obviously needs several reminders before anything sinks in - Bloggers4UKIP has nothing to do with UKIP. It is not an "approved UKIP site". UKIP did, in fact, ask for something to be removed from the site once and I refused.
While there is a lot of my personal information about me on the internet (which dispels the myth that I am coy about my identity), putting my employment details on a blog is out of order and in breach of Blogger's terms of service. I specifically don't talk about my employer - especially as I work on a contract for a government department - but it's not hard to work out who it is I work for from other information. However, I am not an "IT Consultant" as Greg L-W says. His tone of writing implies that he knows all this secret inforrmation about me but he doesn't. It's all freely available information with a bit of guess work.
Putting my phone number on there - which, again, is freely available on the internet - and inviting people to make unsolicited calls to me is also in breach of Bloggers terms of service and if I did receive any abusive phone calls would mean Greg L-W had committed a criminal offence.
With cretins like this in the UK First Party, I really don't think UKIP or any other party has anything to worry about. The party is only a couple of weeks old and already their members are bringing it into disrepute!