Right, a holiday, travel and hotel accomodation website has been set up to raise funds for UKIP, delegates to last years conference in Bournemouth were given details and further details are about to be announced in the imminent issue of the Independence magazine.
Basically if you, relatives or friends are travelling anywhere and require flights, train travel, package holidays, insurance, hotel rooms we have linked up with most of the major travel and accomodation firms in the country and by clicking on the banner adverts in the relevent sections on the site you will be taken straight through to the normal sites operated by these firms. By making your booking by going through our links to the sites you would have used anyway, the firms involved will know by tracking that the booking has come via our UKIP site and will pay us a % commission of your total spend which will be distributed to branches and YI.
So to summarise, if you are going anywhere or booking a holiday please check out our site and if what you want is on our pages you will raise money for UKIP at no extra cost to yourself simply by using the same sites that you would have used anyway.
Please spread the word and use the site yourselves where possible.
The site address is :- www.holidayclubuk.com
Saturday, 28 March 2009
UKIP fund raising website
Euro election 2009,
Fund Raising,
UKIP fund raising website
Euro election 2009|Fund Raising|UKIP|

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About the author:
Josh O'Nyons is a former UKIP member.


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UKIP fund raising website
Euro election 2009|Fund Raising|UKIP|
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