Unveiled nationally on Monday UKIPs campaign billboards will be springing up all over the country this week. The one pictured is part of phrase one. UKIP will be using billboards nationally untill election day and is about to launch the partys massive supply and new order of corex boards to supporters across the country. You have been warned!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Billboard Galore !
Unveiled nationally on Monday UKIPs campaign billboards will be springing up all over the country this week. The one pictured is part of phrase one. UKIP will be using billboards nationally untill election day and is about to launch the partys massive supply and new order of corex boards to supporters across the country. You have been warned!
2009 Euro elections,
Billboard Galore !
2009 Euro elections|Billboards|UKIP|

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About the author:
Josh O'Nyons is a former UKIP member.


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Billboard Galore !
2009 Euro elections|Billboards|UKIP|
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