The European Empire's consultants in the UK estimate that about £1 in every £6 of VAT due is not paid because of fraud. Across the empire, it is estimated to be €1 in every €8 and in Greece it is believed that 30% of VAT is evaded.
The reports will be used to invent even more taxation rules. HMRC's tax manual currently runs to, I believe, something like 7 volumes roughly the size of a telephone directory.
More laws. That'll make it easier to enforce the rules ....
"It's a little known fact that VAT is collected in member states on behalf of the European Empire. The UK Treasury is allowed to keep 25% of what it collects as a commission."
It is little known because it is simply not true.
Yes, the EU says we have to have VAT (which in the UK raises £70 billion a year), yes, the EU says we have to pay them large subscriptions every year (our gross contribution appears to be about £12 billion and our net contribution is £6 billion).
And yes, a country's total contributions depend to some extent on how much VAT they could collect, but there's lots of other stuff as well (like haggling).
And finally, VAT is by its very design the sneakiest yet economically most damaging tax and is thoroughly sh*t.
But to say we have to hand over £60 billion a year VAT to the EU every year is just not true.
Now wait a minute - the EU accusing member states of fraud? I thought it was Brussels who had the dodgy accounts which no reputable auditor would sign off. Strikes me that they ought to get their own house in order first!
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