Monday, 1 February 2010
My Swan Song
I came into UKIP believing in the ethos of the party. I still do believe that UKIP is the only answer to the 3 main parties. However I am tired of the abuse at a local and National level. That abuse has attacked my family, I have received unacceptable 'hate' mail. If this is the cost of wanting a Britain for all then I am not prepared to pay that cost. My family is more important.
My Swan Song
The Pub Consultancy Service

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About the author:
The Pub Consultancy Service is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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It is sad that some of those that are knowledgeable enough to oppose the fascism of the EU "reich" can be put off the fight by a little abuse. A little more moral fibre is required if we are to fight the "Evil empire".
Given that you have no idea what this abuse was and where it came from you are not qualified to question my courage or moral fibre.
I have been fighting for peoples freedom for 30 years, but there comes a time when one becomes disillusioned.
We shall miss your stance on the EU.
Did the abuse you received come from within UKIP? I don't think the UKIP of today is the UKIP of a few years ago.
I believe we should get out of the EU, but we should be able to do that without voting for a party which aligns itself with fascists and homophobes, and punishes members for criticising it for doing so.
Senior, I'd rather not go into specifics.
Senior, I'd rather not go into specifics.
Respect for flying the flag for so long - I hope any disillusionment is with details of the process, not the principle.
As a recent joiner (having been an on/off member of the conservative party) I hope to keep that flag flying till the job is done.
Bob, My first comment on here. I have nothing but praise for the work you have done in Swindon, In fact we tried to find your pub on our way down to the Bournemouth conference in order to pick your brains.
Speaking as I find though, I found many of your posts on BDF and the official forum to be completely OTT. You have a very aggressive style, which lead to a couple? of bans on BDF, and the only ban I have ever seen on the official forum. I am sorry, but UKIP has always been a happy little ship, and your confrontational stance on every subject under the sun has sullied that atmosphere. Always sorry to see a member leave, but I doubt any party or organisation would ever be harmonious if you were a part of it!
I, to the best of my knowledge have never spoken to you either in person or online, so please do not treat this as sour grapes, Just my view as an observer. Good luck in the future.
Interesting that the last poster mentions the BDF. I say interesting because I was banned from the BDF for supporting UKIP.
The poster clearly knows little of UKIP as indicated by the comment, 'happy little ship'. No one could be under any illusions that is was never thus so. If the poster did indeed read BDF he/she would know that all to clearly. The dissent was expressed there long before I joined the party.
Indeed one of the main complaints as expressed there was the unfair use and distribution of UKIP funds and 'resources'.
So I guess the post was just another excuse for someone else to have a pop.
As a recent member of UKIP, I'm saddened to hear that you've had enough. 30 years is a long time, though and you're right your family must come first.
(I'm a Swindon fan and I've just realised that I see your pub from the train every home game)
Yep, it is said when you see the Carpenters, from the train, you know you're almost home. I take it you use to live in Swindon to be a fan. I don't think we have many 'outsiders' in the ranks of supporters.
Bob Feal-martinez said...
Interesting that the last poster mentions the BDF. I say interesting because I was banned from the BDF for supporting UKIP.
Why lie? everyone knows you were warned and warned for telling lies and went a step too far when you lied about me claiming I was dishonest without any sound examples and that I was an undischarged bankrupt which was a lie as was the implication that I had EVER been bankrupt - when asked to either substantiate your lie or withdraw it and appologise you lacked the morality to do so and were not man enough to admit you had lied.
You were banned for 6 months for proven dishonesty.
The facts are easily checked - just as is the fact that you serially claim that I do not tell the truth, on any platform you can get away with your dishonesty unchallenged.
Please provide an instance where I have EVER lied, or withdraw your lies and be man enough to appologise.
I trust Stuart Par will have the integrity to leave this posting rather than collude in Robert Feal Martinez's dishonesty.
Greg L-W.
Bob Feal-martinez: I take it you use to live in Swindon to be a fan. I don't think we have many 'outsiders' in the ranks of supporters.
I was born in Swindon, but have not lived there since I was three.
There's surprisingly quite a lot supporters that are based outside Swindon, it always amazes me how many I meet.
As it happens despite being a relatively new member I have been asked to stand for UKIP at this upcoming election
Deleted Greg Limp-Wrists comment containing a link to yet another libellous anti-UKIP spam-blog.
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