I think we need to decide who is lying.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Nikki Sinclaire: What is the truth.
Nikki Sinclaire: What is the truth.
The Pub Consultancy Service

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The Pub Consultancy Service is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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It is time to concentrate on fighting the 2010 General Election.
The time is right. Never have the big three been in such disarray.
This opportunity might never come again.
Membership of EU demands unpleasant and unacceptable compromises - that is why we must leave it.
As our MEPs fight a rearguard action defending our interests while we arrange to withdraw (as best each of them can) I guess there will be casualties - I hope it all comes good in the end...
so wait let me get this straight she got shafted by the UKIP party? i am a little confused here (Because I tired)
can someone explain in simple terms for me?
Nikki should now step down and let someone else take her place.
We have an election to fight and if she can't agree to what she signed up to then there's no point in dragging this out.
Nikki, if you're reading this, do the honourable thing and let the next on the list take your place. We have a campaign to run.
Greg L-W
During the second world war the allies included USA and Soviet Union fighting on the same side.
Lets face it these two countries genuinely hated each others guts.
But when you are in a fight for your survival, sometimes even enemies join forces to fight an even worse common enemy.
Greg L-W
It may be that you and me disagree on many subjects but we are facing a very serious common enemy here, the European Union.
I have heard your name banded about on the Democracy Forum but I have never actually responded to one of your posts before.
As I see it, we are in life and death battle for the very survival of Britain as an independent country.
You and me should be fighting shoulder to shoulder against the common foe.
Steve, there's no point trying to engage Greg Limp-Wrist in reasonable debate about UKIP, he is 100% committed to destroying UKIP for his EU paymasters.
Battle for Britain
We are now in the "Battle for Britain." Just as during the second world war the enemy is a rapidly expanding European Empire.
What is making this battle even harder is that we are also fighting the enemy within.
The enemy within are those MPs that voted through the Lisbon Treaty, and never gave us the promised referendum.
Not only are we fighting a very sophisticated enemy, the European Union, but we are also fighting the three main parties here in Britain.
Every time I come into contact with a new person, they all start with a clean slate as far as I am concerned.
Everyone I meet has the fair chance to support me, or oppose me.
Greg L-W is new to my acquaintance and I hope that he will understand that we are both on the same side in this fight.
Whatever the outcome I will listen carefully and honestly to what he has to say and then make up my own mind.
As long as we both agree that the European Union is the common enemy,then that is all I could possible ask of anyone, in this fight for the survival of Britain as an independent sovereign country.
Oh I see the posts from Greg L-W have been deleted.
I believe we should be discussing the big general election campaign issues now.
I am the UKIP prospective parliamentary candiate for Swindon North.
The main tenets of my campaign are:-
British jobs for British workers
British fish for British fishermen
British investment in British industry
Warm smoking rooms in pubs and clubs
I want a referendum on the new EU Treaty.
A referendum on the new EU Treaty was promised during the 2005 General Election.
This promise of a referendum was not was not kept.
Yes, the Greg-LW comments have been deleted as he's simply an anti-UKIP EU troll. He's one of the anti-UKIP Junius bloggers.
There are three main differences between UKIP and all the other major parties.
Open Borders
UKIP wants an independent sovereign parliament here in Britain.
The three big parties all want an EU federal government based in Brussels, that makes 70% of British laws.
Open Borders
UKIP wants a five year halt to immigration so that we can settle the ones already here into jobs and houses, before we let more in.
The three major parties all believe in wide open borders.
The big three parties agree that all 500 million EU citizens should have unlimited rights to enter Britain, to live and work.
Labour's Points System
This is a complete con trick on the voters.
The points system will not apply to EU citizens, so it will have zero effect on mass immigration from the European Union.
All 500 million EU citizens will still have unrestricted access to enter Britain even when Labours points system is up and running.
Labour's points system is a complete con trick to confuse the voters.
UKIP is tough on crime, and wants criminals to serve their full sentence.
The three big parties are all soft on crime. They only want criminals to serve half their sentence.
And serve their time in luxury watching TVs in jail.
Big 3 Soft on Crime
Just look at any newspaper and see the puny sentinces given for very serious crimes these days.
And on top of this Labour has been letting people out early.
Prisoners on early release have committed 3 murders.
Plus many rapes and violent crime were committed by prisoners our on early release schemes.
So that is the main diferences between UKIP and the 3 big parties.
Open Borders
Greg L-W
I hope you take the time to read my postings and realise that we are in fact both on the same side.
We are both fighting a common enemy.
THE EUROPEAM UNION is our common enemy and we must unite against it, if we are to win.
Nikki Sinclaire was a liability to UKIP. Barmy, frankly!
Good riddance, I say.
Her broadcast confirmed that she does not have the party's or the country's interests at heart.
Every party has its rogue elements - and Nikki is certainly one.
Fausty what does your comment add?
My priority is to make parliament supreme again -- I am undecided as to whether this issue actually makes any difference to that one way or the other...
I suspect that 99% of the people I'l be talking too will never have heard of Nikki (I hadn't till I joined the party) so the details of any disagreement etc will be equally irrelevant to them.
This is not a comment on the situation itself, just my thoughts on the impact it will (or won't) have on our objectives...
Greg - if you want the UK out of the EU, thats great, go to it.
Don't let yourself be distracted by anything - its a waste of energy that could be used opposing the EU.
A tug of war expends massive energy and achieves little - if we all pull in the same direction (against the EU) we will make progress -- we don't *have* to like each other...
Greg Limp-Wrist, cut the bullshit - your aim is not to make UKIP "electable" as you put it, your aim is to undermine UKIP for your EU paymasters.
I'll delete any comment you post here so why not save yourself (and me) the effort by keeping your lies and irrational hatred of UKIP supporters to your anti-UKIP blogs and let those of us who really oppose the EU get on with things?
Has NIKKI been shafted by the party leadership?
Like an IN or OUT question a YES or NO will suffice.
My vote is dependant on a one word answer.
Pop, I'm glad Nikki Sinclair is little known by voters!
What did my post add? As I said, I believe she is a liability to UKIP. If we want UKIP to succeed, we don't need people of her ilk representing it!
Most people I speak to about her regard her as a complete turn-off.
Greg, keep your lies and libel to your own joke of a blog. That way, if anyone actually wants to read the anti-UKIP drivel you write they can attempt to pick out your incoherent ramblings from the fake claims about supporting UKIP that accompanies every post making it virtually unreadable and they can see the level of hatred you have for UKIP first hand. Don't try and use this blog to post your anti-UKIP spam.
I'm going to close the comments on this post because of Greg Limp-Wrist's constant spam. I have better things to do with my time than delete spam from EU trolls.
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