Thursday 22 April 2010

EU policy cheat sheet: UKIP -v- Lib/Lab/Con

With Saint Clegg's rise in the polls, many people might have forgotten just how wedded the three 'mainstream' parties are to the EU.

Be in no doubt - a vote for the LibDems is a vote for further EU integration, and then some.

LabourConservativesLib DemsUKIP
EU Referendum?On the EuroOn further transfers of power to the EUOn UK membership of EU and the euroOn UK membership
Joining the euro?Mixed messagesNeverYesNo
Crime and policing?Status quoNo new EU powers, opt outMore integrationNo integration
European public prosecutor?AgainstAgainstMixed messagesAgainst
Immigration and asylumPartly in favour of more EU integrationAgainst more integration and asylum burden-sharingMore integration, n favour of asylum burden sharing5-year immigration freeze
EU DefencePossibly more cooperationAgainst - no EU defence procurementEU defence procurementNo EU involvement in defence
EU Foreign policyKeep EU diplomatic service separate from national issuesKeep EU diplomatic service separate from national issuesKeep EU diplomatic service separate from national issuesReturn to UK diplomatic service
Reform of the EU budgetVague CAP reform promise, maintain UK rebateVague CAP reform promise, maintain UK rebateVague reform promise, missed messages on CAP and UK rebateReform (if we’re still in the EU)
EU financial supervisorsIn favour with reservationsAgainst if transferring powersIn favour with reservationsAgainst
EU employment policyStatus quoOpting out of parts “most damaging” to economyStatus quoOpting out (if we’re still in the EU)
Common Fisheries PolicyFundamental reformFundamental reformNo mention in manifestoWithdraw
Environmental policySupport EU action, and current targetsSupport EU action, and current targetsSupport EU action, and current targetsUK action

Source of Lib/Lab/Con info: Open Europe (PDF)
