The EU government has fined the UK over £150m for not putting the EU's logo on things that the EU Regional Development Fund has partly funded using UK taxes.
It's quite simple. The EU gives money to cultural and infrastructure projects all round Europe and in return the EU ring of stars logo has to be displayed prominently at the site of whatever the money has paid for and on letters, leaflets and posters to do with it to advertise the generosity of the ERDF.
Which is all well and good if it's someone else's money you're spending but the paltry amount of money the EU Regional Development Agency gives to the UK is far less than the obscene amount of money we hand over to the unaccountable, corrupt European Empire. In exchange for the EU giving us back some of our own money we are supposed to put up plaques and signs with the EU logo to show them how grateful we are and when we don't, they take more of our money in fines.
These plaques and signs are a blight. The most inappropriate one I've seen is at Blists Hill Victorian Town on the side of some restored Victorian machinery. Incidentally, the new post office they built at Blists Hill has modern rubber flooring rather than authentic wooden flooring because of EU regulations but that's a different matter.
It's about time these advertisements were removed from the sides of roads and tourist attractions, they're a blight on the landscape and a seemingly permanent reminder of our subjection by the European Empire.
Monday, 12 July 2010
EU fines UK £150m for not advertising ERDF
EU fines UK £150m for not advertising ERDF
ERDF|EU Fines|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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EU fines UK £150m for not advertising ERDF
ERDF|EU Fines|
nick chance · 767 weeks ago
Steve Halden · 767 weeks ago
and in favour of totally unrestricted immigration from the European Union.
Why do people vote for the Lib/Lab/Con?
This £150 million fine is yet another example of why we should never vote for the Lib/Lab/Con.
What a cheek they have fining us £150 million for not displaying their flag.
Steve Halden · 766 weeks ago
Children in the sixties left school with a bright sparkling future ahead of them, with every expectation of getting a good job and a home of their own.
Everything has now changed. None of the three major parties ever talk about full employment any more, and house prices are now out of the reach of most young families.
It seems that the three major political parties have abandoned the British working class to a gloomy future of high unemployment and sky high house prices.
Everything went wrong for Britain when we joined the European Union in 1973.