Outcome | Odds | Potential Win |
Nigel Farage | 85% | £10 wins £11 |
Christopher Monckton | 30% | £10 wins £33 |
Other | 30% | £10 wins £33 |
David Campbell Bannerman | 18% | £10 wins £55 |
Marta Andreasen | 10% | £10 wins £100 |
Gerard Batten | 9% | £10 wins £111 |
John Bufton | 8% | £10 wins £125 |
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Leadership election odds
smarkets.com have the latest odds on the next leader of UKIP:
Leadership Election
Leadership election odds
Leadership Election|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Leadership election odds
Leadership Election|
David MacDonald · 758 weeks ago
1.Would I be embarrassed if I took a non UKIP friend or family member to a meeting at which the candidate was to speak?
2.On balance, would the candidate be more likely to gain or lose votes for UKIP (bearing in mind that most voters are not UKIP members)?
The Viscount fails both tests. He would lead us into oblivion so if he should be elected leader or even stay on as deputy leader, I will tear up my membership card and never be heard of again in UKIP circles.