The Republic of Ireland has accepted an EU bailout of up to €100bn.
After literally days of feigning resistance, the Vichy Irish government have caved in to pressure from their puppet masters and agreed to hand over effective control of their economy to the European Empire in exchange for a cauldron of leprechaun's gold.
Not only will this EU bailout be part funded by the UK, but Boy George has offered a few billion pounds in contingency loans "to help a friend in need". And here was me thinking we were on "the brink of bankruptcy".
The EU now controls the Greek economy and the Irish economy. Portugal, Spain and Italy will be next and then what happens? We can't afford to bail out the entire continent and the French and Germans certainly aren't in a position to, not when their economies are hobbled by EU regulations.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Bought and sold with leprechaun's gold
Republic of Ireland
Bought and sold with leprechaun's gold
bailout|Republic of Ireland|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Bought and sold with leprechaun's gold
bailout|Republic of Ireland|
Jay · 748 weeks ago
guest · 626 weeks ago
obs for policemens wives.
guestKarl Fenn · 626 weeks ago
austerity any bail outs they provide will be subject to guarntee of return, look at Greece for instants. I don't know
where they get this impression, it's often said, the little people of cornwall or Ireland were no fools, folk law suggets
leprechaun's suffer on fools, as not the fairies.