YouGov's latest poll shows that UKIP is gaining on the Lib Dems.
On the 14th of November, YouGov had UKIP polling 4%, only 6% behind the Lib Dems. On the 3rd of December they had UKIP polling 5%, only 5% behind the Lib Dems.
UKIP is already the second largest EU Parliament party and the fourth largest domestic party in the UK. If YouGov's results are right, UKIP is on track to become the third largest domestic party in the UK and who could blame people from turning away from the Lib Dems (who are widely accepted to be the "none of the above" party) when they have betrayed the people who voted for them?
Today's students are tomorrow's workers and voters, how many of them are likely to vote for the Lib Dems who signed a pledge to oppose tuition fees in English universities and are now breaking that promise and actively campaigning for them?
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
YouGov shows UKIP closing gap on Lib Dems
YouGov shows UKIP closing gap on Lib Dems
Lib Dems|YouGov|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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YouGov shows UKIP closing gap on Lib Dems
Lib Dems|YouGov|
Adam King · 746 weeks ago
Disgusting - this needs investigating!!
Lucas Ford · 746 weeks ago