Friday, 21 January 2011

BNP Barnbrook joins English Democrats

Yesterday I was told that Richard Barnbrook, the former BNP London Assembly member, had joined the English Democrats.  I was also sent these two links to posts on the British Democracy Forum: The truth about the BNP rumours and Save your party before its to late [sic].  Read them, they are quite an interesting insight into the workings of the English Democrats.

I thought I would wait and see how this unfolded because I had also been told recently that the English Democrats had approached UKIP to discuss an electoral pact.  Sometimes it's better to wait and see what other people have to say rather than being the first one to comment!

Matters have clearly come to a head today with the following statement from Nigel Farage:
Some weeks ago I received a message from the South East Chairman of the English Democrats, Steven Uncles. He requested a meeting with me to discuss electoral cooperation.

At the time I was dubious and delayed answering. However, with their acceptance of Richard Barnbrook, originally elected to the GLA for the BNP, I am adamant that at no point now or in the future must the UK Independence Party be linked with the English Democrats.

With this move, the party have put themselves beyond the pale. As a non racist, non sectarian party UKIP at all levels must have nothing to do with them.

We urge all English Democrat who feel as we do about this to join UKIP now.
I won't disguise my feelings towards Steve Uncles: I can't stand the bloke.  He is a disgrace to English nationalism and a disgrace to English politics.  In fact, he's a disgrace to England.  He is a bad-mouthed, vindictive wannabe whose inept leadership (Robin Tilbrook is technically leader but Uncles is the one pulling all the strings) has led the English Democrats to possibly its lowest point electorally in finishing behind the Monster Raving Loony Party in the Oldham East & Saddleworth by-election last week.

I have been contacted by a number of English Democrats since that election who were telling me they would jump ship to UKIP if only we had a policy of supporting devolution.  Some of them will probably jump ship anyway now, unwilling to remain in a party that has courted Sinn Féin, employed the BNP's marketing people, had an electoral pact with the English First Party and has now admitted a former high-ranking BNP member into the party and promised him a place on their regional list for London.  As one high profile member of the English Democrats said to me this morning, "A dreadful mistake that undermines everything the party has said for years".

The English Democrats is a party in decline.  They are heavily in debt to their current leader Robin Tilbrook, to their former Vice-Chair Christine Constable and to the great man himself, Steve Uncles.  They are haemorrhaging members, those that are left in the party are becoming increasingly unhappy with the way the party is going and their reputation has never been worse.

I'm glad Nigel has ruled out a pact with the English Democrats because I would have left the party rather than be allied with any party that Steve Uncles is involved in.  I'm glad he's urging English Democrats to join UKIP because there is a place in UKIP for civic English
nationalists like myself who recognise that the EU is one of the biggest barriers to an English Parliament with their insistence that devolution in England has to be done at a euroregional level.  But UKIP's devolution policy does have to change - not just to attract disaffected English Democrats but to build on our electoral success.

The English Democrats have never been much of an electoral threat to UKIP but there are a lot of votes out there that we're not getting because of our anti-devolution policy.  It took the Tories a couple of years to see the writing on the wall and grudgingly accept that devolution was here to stay.  Now they're all for it (as long as it doesn't apply to England).  The SNP out-poll UKIP by an order of magnitude in Scotland, as do Plaid Cymru in Wales.  The nationalists in Scotland and Wales consistently reject UKIP and it's only the English Democrats' toxic reputation that has stopped English nationalists from abandoning UKIP in England.

I would urge those disaffected English Democrats thinking about joining UKIP to do it.  Hold your nose if you need to and join my efforts to change UKIP's anti-devolution policy.  The only big differences between UKIP and the English Democrats are their devolution policy and Steve Uncles.

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John Wilkinson's avatar

John Wilkinson · 740 weeks ago

And finally the E.D.'s have no other policies - just try to find them on their web-site!
Join us and we will welcome you all. You do not have to agree with all our policies but we do want OUT of the EU as soon as possible. The English parliament is an issue but I feel we are just playing into the hands of the Eurofederalists' Regional Government if we go the ED route .
"I feel we are just playing into the hands of the Eurofederalists' Regional Government if we go the ED route"

The last thing the Euro-federalists want is an English parliament.
Geoff, England's avatar

Geoff, England · 740 weeks ago

UKIP needs to get rid of the Scots from its top table and become a far more Anglocentric, rather than Britcentric, party. Its anti-EU stance has very little support beyond England, as far as I can see, so offering something to English nationalists is a win-win. If UKIP had been openly pro-England and pro-English Parliament, I would have joined ages ago, and so, I suspect, would have a lot of other people in England .
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
Absolutely. And if the Scots and Welsh wail that UKIP's call for English devolution is out of order, let's remind them that we support devolution for all UK nations. Let's ask them why they would vote to deprive by far the biggest nation in the UK of the same facilities. And let's ask them why they continue to vote in Westminster on matters which pertain to England only, while we are denied the same privilege in their parliaments.
UKIP have sold their soul to the devil ( the establishment that is ) it's a shame really as UKIP do have a lot of genuine good hearted supporters , but UKIP's leadership tactics of cosying up to the elite and going out of it's way to prove it is not "racist" is a big turn off to the electorate.
As a disenchanted ED member, I am still not convinced - the UK bit tells me that you are one of those parties that are union centred. In my experience Union supporters are reluctant to allow England the freedom to legislate for itself, as the English are approx 85% of the islands' population raising roughly around 80% of the tax revenue. Without that tax base they believe that the special needs of the smaller nations cannot be funded properly

I want out of the EU - but even more I want a Parliament for England - and the UKIP makes that total commitment you will not gain the support of those members of the ED who are disgusted at the present situation - but see no benefit in joining a party on the slight possibility it might change its focus. Become the ENGLISH Independent Party and stand back
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Geoff, England's avatar

Geoff, England · 739 weeks ago

The English are roughly 85% of the Divided Kingdom's population, but we raise only 80% of the tax revenue? It's more likely to be well over 90% of the revenue. Everybody who looks at it rationally will acknowledge that England alone of the four nations pulls her weight.

Anybody running their own business would fire employees who underperform the way Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland do. Sorry to be so harsh, but that's the brutal truth of he matter.
The wickedest government in modern times was the Blair crime syndicate, how many Scotsmen in his government? what have we inherited from the Blair brown duo, it was twelve Scottish MP's who Blair used to get his majority and brought in student fees to English Universities : Brown abolished boom and bust and the holding of Gold in the B of E, war without end, mass immigration without end it seems to me that because Scotland is so small they could not invade us they got the rest of the world to do it.
It is also of course very good at covering up bruises, scars, burns, black eyes etc
I feel he last thing the Euro-federalists want is an English parliamenter.

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