RMT's case revolves around the fact that the British government didn't give any sort of preference to Bombardier or do anything to protect jobs in England.
It's good to see the unions take a break from whinging about public sector workers having to share some of the pain of budget cuts and redundancies with private sector workers but their legal action is futile. Under EU law it is illegal for the British government to give preferential treatment to people or companies in this country over people or companies in the EU. They would be breaking the law that their masters on the continent have passed down by doing anything protect our interests, save jobs or keep taxpayers money in this country.
So yeah, good luck RMT and let's hope the media give as much attention to the failure as they have to this announcement.
SteveHalden 2p · 714 weeks ago
The average person cannot believe that a British government would give the huge multi billion pound contract to build 1200 rail carraiges to a German company, when there was British based company bidding for the contract.
What this country needs is a BUY BRITISH procurement policy, so that all things being equal the contract should always go to a British based company.
In addition the British people should also make the effort to BUY BRITISH whenever this is at all possible.
Whatever the final result, the RMT's legal action against the decision not to use British supplier Bombardier, it will give publicity to the need for a BUY BRITISH CAMPAIGN to try to save what is left of our manufacturing industry.
Britian runs a huge trade deficit of about a billion pounds a week, and if Bombardier can get this contract to build 1200 rail carriages it would help reduce Britain's huge trade deficit.
We should all try to buy more British made manufactured goods.
wonkotsane 85p · 714 weeks ago
SteveHalden 2p · 714 weeks ago
I believe you are a rebel on this issue. UK Independence Party stands for Britain having an independent, sovereign parliament.
UKIP members are patriots seeking freedom from the yoke of the EU federal government in Brussels. UKIP believes in having English Parliament days at Westminster, where only English MPs discuss England only issues.
All the other UKIP members I have contacted have thought that a BUY BRITISH CAMPAIGN would be a very good idea. And the best reason of all for having it is that it would be illegal for a British government to support it, because of the Single Market Treaty.
Britain runs a massive trade deficit and the only way to reduce it is to have a GOVERNMENT BUY BRITISH PROCUREMENT POLICY.
Contracts like the one for 1200 train carriages must go to British suppliers like Bombardier, where jobs will then be created here in Britain.