I am a citizen of the UK. Parts of the UK are now run by government/assemblies that I have no say over. As I travel around my country, I becoming subject to laws that I have had no say over, laws that have absolutely no democratic mandate from me.
This is simply wrong.
Just because I don't actually live in Wales or Scotland there is no reason that I should have no say over how I am treated when I am there.
As a citizen of the UK I should be treated exactly the same as all other citizens and treated exactly the same where ever in the UK I happen to be.
I only want one parliament - and that is a UK parliament at Westminster. If there is to be a different parliament, an English parliament, then it has to replace the UK parliament - no one needs two.
If this does come about, and we have an English parliament, then I would expect the English parliament to take full advantage of the superior size/wealth of England as compared to the other 'home nations'.
Just as Germany sucks all the wealth out of the smaller, poorer Eurozone countries and takes it to itself, I would expect England to drain as much wealth and power from the other 'home nations' - all English state funded services, functions, employees etc would be repatriated as would all military functions, bases. And as far as possible financial services should also be sucked into the City of London - no Scottish banks, building societies, insurance companies etc should fail to feel the red hot breath of fierce competition from England.
As I say - I prefer a United Kingdom, but if the home nations are to go their own way, England must show no mercy...
First published at: http://free-english-people.blogspot.com/2011/09/english-parliament-no-thanks.html
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
English Parliament? No Thanks.
English Parliament? No Thanks.

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About the author:
Blogger is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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English Parliament? No Thanks.
Paul Latham · 707 weeks ago
We already have one it is called Westminster:The House of Commons and the House of Lords.
I would like to see a complete change in how we govern Britain from an administrative point of view;
Reduce a complete layer of governance, MPs for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales would sit in Westminster for one week a month and then return to to their regional assemblies a take on the role as regional MPs.
The English MPs would then remain in Westminster to deal with English matters that were not of concern of the other regions. British and International matters requiring debate would take place between all the elected MPs on the week every month set aside for these issues. All MPs could all be recalled to Westminster for urgent business discussions and debate at any time, if needs be.
This would mean that we would not have a layer of local 'MPs' in regional parliaments purely for those matters. All parties would then be represented in Westminster and the benefit is that all elected MPs would be part of a British parliament. This would benefit the Exchequer with salary and expenses savings.
I do not think this would dilute regional governance in anyway and we would certainly get much better value from out elected politicians than at present. I also think these measures would be safeguard of the Union and Britain as an entity.
Paul Latham
@pperrin · 707 weeks ago
A few questions - how would a UK PM be selected? And would parties be UK wide, or would each 'nation' have its own? As it looks like the scottish tories are splittng from the main party, maybe this is happening already!
Paul Latham · 707 weeks ago
The recent situation where Gordon Brown became PM with no vote either by the Labour party or by all of the parliamentary MPs, let alone the nation, should be declared unconstitutional in future. Brown was unsuitable as a PM (he was an ineffective manager of people) and this led to many of the present problems facing the UK, as confirmed by Alistair Dowling in his new book.
The governing party by absolute majority should elect a PM. If there is no absolute majority, as at present with the coalition, I see this as being a matter for the whole of parliament to vote on. How else can we have a democratically elected PM by a majority and not a minority?
I would have no problem with the regional parties in Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland sitting in Westminster, this can only strengthen the Union, not dilute it.
I believe that it is about time that we had a formal written Constitution in the UK, for the 21st century, to ensure that formal parliamentary procedures are always complied with. This would also rule that the EU parliament could not supersede or overrule our British sovereignty, even by treaty.
I have read similar proposals to those above put forward by members of UKIP; I think this would make us more democratic as a nation without being a copy of the U.S. electoral system.
Paul Latham
@pperrin · 707 weeks ago