Apparently they reacted with "total and absolute outrage and horror" when they heard that it was used. One of their former band members, a mega-rich far left "anarchist" called Dunstan Bruce, called UKIP a "grubby little organisation". Another former band member, another mega-rich far left "anarchist" called Alice Nutter, called Nigel Farage "an arse", UKIP members as "bigots" and said UKIP policies are "racist". She also mis-spells "Farage" throughout her quote.
Two former band members having a whinge doesn't exactly justify the Guardian's headline "Chumbawamba go Tubthumping crazy over Ukip's use of No1 hit" but you wouldn't expect a far left rag like the Guardian to report on a UKIP conference objectively would you?
Mandy Lifeboats · 706 weeks ago
Her name is Alice Nutter, need I say any more?