Lord Hesketh is no longer a member of the House of Lords since Labour's botched constitutional reforms aimed at wiping out any opposition to the career politicians in the Commons so sadly UKIP's group in the Lords remains at two with Lord Pearson and Lord Willoughby de Broke. He will, however, bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the party as a former Treasurer of the Conservatives, former Chairman of the Conservative Foundation, former head of the family's Formula 1 racing team, current director of Kazakhstan's national airline and chairman of Towcester racescourse.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Lord Hesketh defects to UKIP
Another Tory peer has defected to UKIP after becoming disillusioned with Cameron's Cast Iron Guarantees™ over the EU.
Lord Hesketh
Lord Hesketh defects to UKIP
Defection|Lord Hesketh|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Lord Hesketh defects to UKIP
Defection|Lord Hesketh|