UKIP narrowly missed out on third place in yesterday's Feltham & Heston by-election, coming 88 votes short of the Limp Dems.
Labour increased its vote share, taking almost double the votes of the Tories who suffered a big slump. The Lib Dems collapsed to just 5.8% compared to UKIP's 5.5%.
It's disappointing not to have at least come third but Feltham & Heston is a safe Labour seat and Andrew Charalambous kept his deposit unlike the BNP, Greens, English Democrats, London People Before Profit and the Bus-Pass Elvis Party who all failed to secure even half of UKIP's vote.
The turnout was just 28.8% which is the lowest election turnout in 11 years.
Friday, 16 December 2011
UKIP fourth in Feltham & Heston
Feltham and Heston
UKIP fourth in Feltham & Heston
By-election|Feltham and Heston|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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UKIP fourth in Feltham & Heston
By-election|Feltham and Heston|