Friday, 10 August 2012
Godders standing for Humberside police commissioner
Godfrey Bloom has been confirmed as UKIP's candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for the Humberside police force.
Godders will be up against champagne socialist former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Prescott of Two-Jags and Conservative Councillor Matthew Grove who was chosen over former Tory MP Walter Sweeney who want considered to be a pliable enough party stooge.
I am absolutely opposed to the politicisation of the police but if we must go through with this sham then I'd rather we had right thinking UKIPpers in charge of the police than a bunch of failed politicians and party clones who think the most important PC in the police is political correctness.
Godders standing for Humberside police commissioner
Godfrey Bloom|Humberside|Police Commissioner Elections|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Godders standing for Humberside police commissioner
Godfrey Bloom|Humberside|Police Commissioner Elections|