The UKIP candidate for the role of Police & Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire Police, Jim MacArthur, was also officially announced at the Corby campaign launch. MacArthur has served in the RAF, Army, SAS and as a Special Constable.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Police Commissioner candidate announced at Corby Launch
UKIP's by-election campaign for Corby was launched today with UKIP candidate Margot Parker joined by UKIP MEPs Nigel Farage, Roger Helmer, Derek Clark and Stuart Agnew and activists from all over the country.
Derek Clark MEP,
Jim MacArthur,
Margot Parker,
Nigel Farage MEP,
Police Commissioner Elections,
Roger Helmer MEP,
Stuart Agnew MEP
Police Commissioner candidate announced at Corby Launch
By-election|Corby|Derek Clark MEP|Jim MacArthur|Margot Parker|Nigel Farage MEP|Police Commissioner Elections|Roger Helmer MEP|Stuart Agnew MEP|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Police Commissioner candidate announced at Corby Launch
By-election|Corby|Derek Clark MEP|Jim MacArthur|Margot Parker|Nigel Farage MEP|Police Commissioner Elections|Roger Helmer MEP|Stuart Agnew MEP|