Monday, 10 September 2012

Godders slated by Yorkshire Post for promoting equality

UKIP MEP and Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, Godfrey Bloom, has been slated by the Yorkshire Post and rent-a-rant, Peter Tatchell, for suggesting that everyone should be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Godders said that if he is elected PCC for Humberside he would stop the practice of treating crimes against people who consider themselves part of a minority group as worse or deserving of harsher penalties than the majority.  The Yorkshire Post misrepresented this as wanting to abolish the concept of hate crime which clearly isn't what Godders was saying.  Even when the Yorkshire Post contacted the press office for a quote and it was pointed out to them that he was merely saying that everyone should be treated the same regardless of their colour, religion, sexuality or whatever they define themselves by they still published their misleading article.  They even went to Peter Tatchell, who can be replied upon to feign outrage at pretty much anything from symbols of British Imperialism in Australia to the Grand Mufti of Moscow's opinions on gay marriages, for an opinion.

The Yorkshire Post is a Tory-supporting newspaper (even getting the exclusive story on the naming of the Tory PCC candidate) and of course UKIP is the biggest threat to their preferred candidate who has very little chance of getting the kind of publicity being enjoyed by Labour's millionaire socialist class warrior Lord Prescott and UKIP's Godfrey Bloom MEP.

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Godfey is right. I am not saying this just because I am in UKIP but because I am a free thinker and I can see that many minorities are taking advantage and because of their actions this has become a massive problem for the UK. I can clearly see that within the UK at present there seems to be a two tier legal system. Illegal immigrants benefit cheats peadophiles and the likes seem to be flaunting their ways and not receiving adequate punishments. True equality will only ever be achieved when everyone accepts that giving extra rights and privileges to minorities undermines the whole equality process.
I am an out gay man but I will not stereotype myself or become pigeon holed into a certain way, I feel I do not deserve extra rights or anything additional in life I just want to get on with what I do and have a hassle free life. I actually oppose many of the Gay lobby groups because I personally feel they look for issues and often cause an uncalled for hysterical frenzy and proclaim offense when there are no real grounds. This can also be said for some immigrant and religious groups.
Sue the post for deliberately lying?
In my very humble opinion, I believe many minority groups have certainly used their status to extract more lenient treatment than I would have ever got. Add to that the 'celebrities', where they have evaded the penalties of speeding fines due to loopholes found by an expensive lawyer - would I have got away with it - NO, I'd have been fined and would have had the points put on my licence. Equality is not in abundance in this country, and very soon, that will be shown when the 'medal winners of both Olympics' receive further honours and awards to which they do not deserve. Thousands of hard working people in this country manage, organise numerous activities in sport within their communities and do they get a mention - NO. Forgive me, but equality is a loose phrase, abused by the media, lobby groups and politicians.
Linda Hudson's avatar

Linda Hudson · 609 weeks ago

IF we do not have one law of the land, and equal treatment for one and all, then we are doomed, and will not have peace, or a country left to worry about, as we will return to the law of the jungle!

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