Godders said that if he is elected PCC for Humberside he would stop the practice of treating crimes against people who consider themselves part of a minority group as worse or deserving of harsher penalties than the majority. The Yorkshire Post misrepresented this as wanting to abolish the concept of hate crime which clearly isn't what Godders was saying. Even when the Yorkshire Post contacted the press office for a quote and it was pointed out to them that he was merely saying that everyone should be treated the same regardless of their colour, religion, sexuality or whatever they define themselves by they still published their misleading article. They even went to Peter Tatchell, who can be replied upon to feign outrage at pretty much anything from symbols of British Imperialism in Australia to the Grand Mufti of Moscow's opinions on gay marriages, for an opinion.
The Yorkshire Post is a Tory-supporting newspaper (even getting the exclusive story on the naming of the Tory PCC candidate) and of course UKIP is the biggest threat to their preferred candidate who has very little chance of getting the kind of publicity being enjoyed by Labour's millionaire socialist class warrior Lord Prescott and UKIP's Godfrey Bloom MEP.
mike · 654 weeks ago
I am an out gay man but I will not stereotype myself or become pigeon holed into a certain way, I feel I do not deserve extra rights or anything additional in life I just want to get on with what I do and have a hassle free life. I actually oppose many of the Gay lobby groups because I personally feel they look for issues and often cause an uncalled for hysterical frenzy and proclaim offense when there are no real grounds. This can also be said for some immigrant and religious groups.
pmr · 654 weeks ago
Brian · 654 weeks ago
Linda Hudson · 609 weeks ago