In terms of trade, Germany and Britain are meant to be. In
sickness and in health, even if they can't stand the decisions their soul mate
make. Well, money mates. Neither one can intentionally isolate from the
other because it would lead to the financial collapse; or at least decline, of both superpowers. Therefore, the supreme leaders of Europe, i.e. The Germans, can't even
consider the isolation of Britain
if we were to depart from the EU. But that is the mere scrape of the UK/EU
The European Commission
made it perfectly clear to UKIP Deputy Leader, Paul Nuttall MEP, if we were to carry on bombarding the establishment with our (wonderful) nonsense, they will...
Relegate us to the status of Switzerland .
Dam that's terrifying! Wait a minute, isn't Switzerland that prosperous global
nation? Being a member of the European Free Trade Association, they are part of
the European Union Internal Market through the Agreement on a European Economic
Area (EEA), which took effect in 1994. To every threat an EU leader makes;
every attempt to scare monger our weak, apprehensive and cryptic Prime
Minister, there's a cascade of good news for the vision of an Independent
What is better than Briton's being legally able to freely trade with our true allies, the Commonwealth? Whist
Cameron gets some sort of thrill out of getting attacked left, right and center
(and that can be taken politically and literally), Ukip can see developed
market economies emerged or emerging from Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Canada, South Africa, India and many more. In the case of India ,
we should not be wasting billions on aid just to feed their endless plight. We
should not bow to an Indian government which spends “tens of billions” on
defense including the £13 billion
deal we may have lost to the French, which makes it unacceptable to give further aid.
Let's stimulate jobs and growth in India 's poorest areas through interjecting trade, technical expertise and
experience. In addition, Australia is crucial because it hosts a
growing economy; a stable political and business environment; a skilled, well
educated and multi-lingual workforce; a strategic time-zone and a competitive
cost base. I can see a British-Irish union
being the power house to such a bountiful friendship as we might never be one
but we will, by no doubt, have a far more fruitful relationship than the
present with a German lady who flirts with a Frenchmen's
anti-British mantas.
I've always
had a vision of a Britannia which will not be ordered and regulated by Europe,
nevertheless free trade and the peace process in Europe
is essential. However, the sort of EU project amplified by the Lisbon Treaty provides me a dire image of what awaits national sovereignty and identity across Europe, with Barroso's vision of a "Federal Europe" making the thought more tangible than ever. I see it as our responsibility to lead Europe out of this disastrous and monolithic EU, and into the EFTA because - I know - that cherished 1940's spirit still lives inside us somewhere.
Paul · 645 weeks ago
B4U_Authors 17p · 645 weeks ago
Alexander Balkan