UKIP has a good write-up in the Financial Times tonight focussing on UKIP-controlled Ramsey Town Council and the frankly inspirational town, district and county councillor, Peter Reeve.
The Financial Times has a paywall but you can register for free and get 8 articles a month without having to pay and I'd definitely recommend making this one of your eight.
It is the time of year when the Christmas lights lend a festive air to Ramsey’s medieval high street.
But since the UK Independence Party gained control of the town council in this rural Cambridgeshire town – a first for the eurosceptic party – locals have even more reason to feel pride in the display: they have been putting up the lights themselves.
In deference to their publicly declared support for the Tories they've managed to avoid quoting any Ramsey residents that are UKIP supporters despite more than half the councillors on Ramsey Town Council being UKIP but it's a surprisingly positive article nonetheless.
Depressiona 27p · 574 weeks ago