We asked both Gareth and his opponent, Ross Taylor, to send us a statement for the website. Unfortunately, only Gareth sent a statement so here it is:
We need to be looking outwards, not inwards, council seats are the seeds which very well might one day create UKIP strong holds!I have worked with Jonathan Arnott on his PCC campaign, done countless days of leafleting and campaigning, both for UKIP campaigns and for the Doncaster mayoral referendum, furthermore I have organized and will be running a YI election action day for the Rotherham by-election. I believe I have enough experience from within my region of Yorkshire to hold this post as well as more than enough enthusiasm!Things I will bring to YI if elected:
- Help and motivate YI members to become more involved in elections at every level.
- Concentrate on local elections as these are the key to building up local support for National and EU elections.
- To give individuals who may not have a local branch the ability to stand for local councils via supplying an election pack containing leaflet designs, advice and support for the election.
- Having a YI regional head in charge of campaigning for that area.
Guy Aston · 643 weeks ago