A UKIP candidate standing for election on Thursday has had his candidacy suspended by the party after publishing a personal manifesto that included a proposal for a commission into the NHS looking at cost-saving measures including compulsory abortions for foetuses testing positive for Downs Syndrome or Spina Bifida.
The party has immediately suspended him as a UKIP candidate and says that nobody was aware of the existence of the personal manifesto until Geoffrey Clark published it on his website.
Ukip reject the abhorrent views expressed in the personal manifesto of Mr Geoffrey Clark, a candidate in the local elections. The party was not aware of these views when it allowed him to stand under our name.Clark himself has said that he doesn't personally support the idea of compulsory abortions but had suggested it as something the commission could consider.
“We can confirm that Mr Clark has been formally suspended as a Ukip candidate and will not be standing for the party again. We would like to apologise to anyone who has suffered distress as a result of this matter.
I do not endorse these ideas. They are for the commission to consider how best to cut service levels if it is decided to do so.
The comments have attracted the wrath of mental health charity, Mencap and the left wing media who have been looking for a reason to talk UKIP down after recent opinion poll and by-election results have confirmed that UKIP has replaced the Lib Dems as the third party.
Geoffrey Clark is contesting the Meopham North by-election on Thursday for the second time in just over a year. In October last year he came a very strong second. Meopham North is a bellweather constituency which should have given us a really good insight into the likely outcome of the next election but that's gone by this will have scuppered that.
Geoffrey Clark is contesting the Meopham North by-election on Thursday for the second time in just over a year. In October last year he came a very strong second. Meopham North is a bellweather constituency which should have given us a really good insight into the likely outcome of the next election but that's gone by this will have scuppered that.
machokong 35p · 640 weeks ago
a Guest · 640 weeks ago
his words out of context to stop his chances of winning in this weeks Meopham North by-elections.
However, what does surprise me is the UKIP leadership disbarring Clark from the party instead of
defending him and fighting back as they did when Winston McKenzie during his by-election condemning
gays. This was defended by UKIP as being his own personal view. I hope that Geoffrey still gets in
this week as he came a strong second earlier this year. This is a media war to stop UKIP getting councillors
in - so in 2013 all UKIPers must be very careful about what they put in their leaflets as they won't be backed
up by the Party.
A Guest
@pperrin · 640 weeks ago
The NHS budget is used as a stick to manipulate and coerce the free people of this country all the time, its the excuse for interfering in our drinking, smoking, eating, driving, sex, birth, almost everything.
Worse... despite the feigned outrage by UKIP's enemies, the NHS already coerces parents of downs babies to abort them http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/6440...
And old people are already euthanised by the NHS via the recently highlighted 'Liverpool pathway' scheme and paid bonuses for doing so.
A commision SHOULD review these things - and put a stop to them!