Friday, 22 February 2013

Marta finally jumps ship to the Tories

It comes as no surprise to learn that Marta Andreasen has defected from UKIP to the Tories.

Marta was bumped up the MEP list as she was a high profile candidate at the time, promising to fix UKIP's finances and expose the fraud and corruption in the EU.  The membership put her at the top of the regional list for the south east of England, second only to Nigel Farage.  As a bean counter she did a great job but as an MEP she was a disappointment.

The main problem with Marta is that she's not a eurosceptic.  She is wholeheartedly opposed to the fraud and corruption that is endemic in the EU but she favours reform, not withdrawal.  She will fit right in with the Tories in that respect but I'm not sure how her new-found love of the financially illiterate, europhile Tories can be reconciled with this quote from just a few weeks ago:
I joined UKIP because the Tories wanted to reform the EU and in my experience I thought that the EU could not be reformed. In the course of my years as an MEP, I have only grown more convinced of this.
Marta has, to be blunt, been a pain in the arse for quite some time now.  She has been increasingly off message, ignorant and disruptive.  She has aired her dirty laundry in public on many an occasion and lost the respect and support of the membership in doing so.  It's frankly astounding that Marta didn't resign sooner but the timing was obviously chosen to try and get UKIP negative publicity just before voters go to the polls in Eastleigh.  After all, it's UKIP that are going to prevent the Tories from winning there, not the Lib Dems and certainly not Labour.  This defection has clearly been planned for some time.

Like David Campbell Bannerman, Marta was a nobody before UKIP propelled her into the limelight and like David Campbell Bannerman, Marta will once again disappear into obscurity after the next election.  She's been behaving like an opposition MEP for some time, at least she's finally had the decency to make it official and stop wasting our time.  If she thought she was going to be sorely missed, she's going to be a little disappointed:
"Conservative Party deserve what's coming to them. The woman is impossible."
- Nigel Farage
And if she thinks she's going to be welcomed with open arms by the Tory faithful she's going to be even more disappointed:
To say Andreasen’s behaviour is flaky would be an understatement. My experience of her is that she is also not to be trusted, and the Tories should be very wary of her.
- Iain Dale
I think I speak for most UKIP members when I say goodbye and good riddance.

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George Ashcroft's avatar

George Ashcroft · 630 weeks ago

"The main problem with Marta is that she's not a eurosceptic." Contained In this one statement is UKIP's primary long-term difficulty: you struggle to hold the moderate, conservatively-minded folk who form the core of your support but who do not share your hardline stance. Your secondary long-term problem is here: "(The) Conservative Party deserve what's coming to them. The woman is impossible." The woman? This careless use of language by your leader, in a public statement no less, merely confirms that, yes, there is a place for Nigel Farrage as a figure of the maverick right, but not necessarily as a credible, mainstream politician. Equally as bad is this contribution from you: "I think I speak for most UKIP members when I say goodbye and good riddance". As a minor party (and that is essentially what UKIP is) how can you say "good riddance" to any loss of support, much less that of an elected MEP? UKIP needs to hold on to people like Andreasen if it is to be anything other than a one-trick pony.
2 replies · active 630 weeks ago
If UKIP has any sense the party line will be to make room for Conservative voters who are simply Eurosceptic. To alienate Eastleigh voters as they are coming up fast on the outside rail is crazy, as you imply.

Luckily for Nigel Farage, he has a female candidate to apologise for "the woman" comment on the doorstep.
I disagree George. UKIP contests EU elections purely to get real eurosceptics in the EU Parliament, to put some of their propaganda funds to good use and to get media exposure. There are enough pro-EU MEPs already, we don't need fantasists like Marta giving the Tory reformist agenda credibility because it has none.
George Ashcroft's avatar

George Ashcroft · 630 weeks ago

People usually leave political parties (and I have left one or two over the years) because they feel, occasionally rightly, that their contribution has been undervalued in some pretty fundamental way. Consequently, I have never understood the argument against individuals airing their "dirty laundry" in public. Is that not what you are doing now? I have no problem with it as such an airing affords "the public" an opportunity to engage in debate and argument as I am now. And this is what politics is, or at least should be, both within and without political parties. Argument is healthy and it is pretty fundamental to human relationships. For anyone to write otherwise, in a party lead by Nigel Farrage, is surely straining credibility?
George Ashcroft's avatar

George Ashcroft · 630 weeks ago

People leave parties when discussion and argument is stifled and their intelligence insulted. I suspect that this is what happened in respect of Marta Andreasen, and is evident in your writing: "Marta has, to be blunt, been a pain in the arse for quite some time now." Stuart, Democratic parties need people who are a pain in the arse! Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell, Margaret Thatcher: Do you mean to tell me that these people were never "a pain in the arse"? And where would the history of British Politics be without them?
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
There's nothing wrong with being a pain in the arse in a constructive way but she wasn't - she was entirely disruptive and, I suspect, working for the Tories for some time.
Andreasen was elected by the people because she stood as a UK Indepence Party candidate

The survival of the the UK is all that matters far as I am concerned and this MEP has gone and joined a party whose leader states that he wants the UK to be in the EU

After reading your comments Mr Ashcroft when are you going to follow her

What safe seat has she been offered then Mr Ashcroft, do you know
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
George Ashcroft's avatar

George Ashcroft · 630 weeks ago

"After reading your comments Mr Ashcroft when are you going to follow her". I am not a member of UKIP, but I do follow broader developments with interest.

"The survival of the the UK is all that matters far as I am concerned and this MEP has gone and joined a party whose leader states that he wants the UK to be in the EU" Do you think the UK can survive as a country in which there is no meaningful analysis and debate, apart from name calling? I generally despair of what has become of this country and our institutions but this "your either with us or against us" mentality actually undermines the case for possible alternatives.
George, withdrawal from the EU what we stand for, and is not a hardline stance. If you think the EU can be reformed and are deluded enough to have bought into Dave's referendum scam, then vote Tory.
Cameron now has Andreasen and Hutchings knocking on peoples doors in Eastleigh next week saying that the UK should leave the EU

It's brilliant

Does anyone else think that Andreason's defection has got anything to do with Diane James proofing to be such a good candidate and Andreason thinking she may be going down the MEP list in the SE England

Will she now be campaigning for the Argentines to take over the Falklands as well now she has turned her back on the UK
Sorry George I thought that you was a member by your replys to Stuarts bog

What is the alternative then for the UK

I have had enough of 40 years of lies and deceit from our political class, how about yourself
Scenario: The Titanic has hit the iceberg.
You've managed to climb aboard the lifeboat and shared all the rations, but you don't like the chap at the helm and moan about him to all the other people on the lifeboat.
Suddenly, the Titanic's captain calls out "I've done a deal with the Iceberg! I throw a line to it and it will tow us wherever we want to go. I'm going to negotiate with it and come up with a destination. The thing is, you all have to get back on the ship first."
You leap overboard and doggie paddle over to the ship, of which now only the stern & propellers are above water.
Now then, how many brain-cells does it take to see the downside of this?

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