Saturday, 16 February 2013

New UKIP policy on devolution: an unintended confederation

During the UKIP conference in Birmingham I was slipped a piece of paper with details of UKIP's new devolution policy and some notes confirming that the NEC had approved it and it had the blessing of UKIP Wales who have been a pain in the ass over devolution for some time, considering it the work of Satan (or worse, the French).

When I first joined UKIP there was no policy on devolution other than a "Britishness" policy that said that much like the Tories in the late 90s, UKIP opposes devolution and wants a return to a unitary state but would tolerate Grand Committees of British MPs.  Over the years I, along with others, have managed to talk some sense into the leadership (and membership) which culminated in a policy proposal written by Deputy Leader, Paul Nuttall, for an English Parliament and converting the House of Lords into a federal British Parliament.

Paul's policy was well received in England but less so in Wales where a tiny group of Big Britishers vocally argue against devolution based on an irrational and inaccurate belief that devolution is a plot by the EU to destroy the UK.  It was Paul's policy that resulted in so many members of the English Democrats (the good ones, not the nutters and racists) abandoning that sinking ship and joining UKIP.

A new policy proposal was written and was given the seal of approval by UKIP Wales who think it's a rehash of the half-backed Grand Committee idea where British MPs elected in England, Scotland, Wales and NI would come together for a few days a month and make British laws for their own countries under a gentleman's agreement that they won't interfere in each others' affairs.  The policy is somewhat further reaching than that and I suspect that nobody who's seen it so far truly understands the (positive) unintended consequences.

The new policy turns the Grand Committee idea on its head and instead of creating English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Grand Committees to make British laws for their respective countries, the national governments of the member states of the UK would be directly elected and the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs would appoint representatives to the British government.  The British government would be "indirectly elected" (ie. appointed) like the hated regional assemblies were.  Clearly this creates something of a democratic deficit which is where the unintended consequences come into play.

It's difficult to see how you could give an indirectly elected British government parliamentary sovereignty rather than a directly elected national government.  The only option is to make the national governments sovereign which would create a confederation.  A confederation is a union of sovereign states and by virtue of that sovereignty, they would have the legal and constitutional power to secede from the union in their own right rather than relying on the Montevideo Convention (effectively restated by the EEC's Badinter Arbitration Committee so it doesn't matter that the UK didn't sign up to it) which is the usual way a state gets its independence.

The alternative is that you have an appointed and therefore less accountable body with the ability to over-rule or even abolish the national governments that appointed them.  If you wouldn't give, for example, the Parliamentary Standards Committee the lawful right to unilaterally sack MPs, appoint its own government and prevent elections then you shouldn't entertain the idea of giving an appointed federal government parliamentary sovereignty.

Now, I'm more than happy with the idea of a confederation and it's something I've advocated for some time as the form of government that will prolong the union the longest as it is a consensual union rather than a prescriptive one which should be palatable to both unionists and separatists alike.  On paper it makes the union weaker although in practical terms it makes it stronger because it puts it on a footing that should be acceptable to separatists.

I was asked for an opinion on how to deal with the gap in accountability that would arise from abolishing the House of Lords when Paul Nuttall was writing his policy proposal.  The answer I came up with was a constitutional court along the lines of the German Bundesverfassungsgericht which would have the authority to choose what legislation it wants to rule on and its ruling would be binding.  The same gap in accountability would also be present under a confederation and I maintain that a constitutional court is still the answer.

This policy is a bold move - literally reinventing the union in a way that no political party has ever proposed.  Even the English Democrats who claim to be the English version of the SNP (they're not but everyone needs an aspiration, no matter how fanciful) haven't gone as far as this.  A confederation is the best of both worlds for both unionists and separatists.  The member states of a British Confederation would be sovereign nations able to leave the confederation at any time but they would still be in a British union, albeit voluntarily rather than because the law says they have to be.  I, for one, am looking forward to UKIP announcing this policy formally and campaigning for this radical new form of government that finally brings equality and fairness to all the member states of the UK.

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Completely bonkers, UKIP obviously don't understand what they're doing. Having said that, I like it.
1 reply · active 631 weeks ago
Nope, they clearly don't but that's not my problem - I think it's brilliant.
Reorganisation of local government in England is a matter for an English Parliament, not the British.
An English government may well decide to give Cornwall the opportunity to have a devolved government covering the county but that is for an English government to decide, not the British.
Joe McDermott's avatar

Joe McDermott · 630 weeks ago

Surely it should be for the English and Cornish people, rather than the hated British government, to decide on English and Cornish governance, using referenda that ask exactly the same question(s) as the people of Scotland were asked in 1997.
Old Albion's avatar

Old Albion · 631 weeks ago

I may have to read that again in the morning. Then again tomorrow afternoon and probably Monday morning too.
Look! just tell me this. Do we get an ENGLISH parliament?
1 reply · active 631 weeks ago
Yes and then some.
And unfortunately both you and the anonymous person who mysteriously slipped you the piece of paper in Birmingham are wrong, Yet again Stuart Parr makes up a story out of thin air tailored to suit his own agenda.
1 reply · active 631 weeks ago
And up pops Kevin Mahoney, the main agitator in UKIP Wales for ignoring the vast majority of voters on devolution. Say what you like Kevin, it included an email trail and the party chairman has confirmed that what I was given is genuine.
Prefer the idea of some kind of bicameral system (checks and balances and all that) but please to see we might be getting some progress after this being buried for so long.

Looks like this has been the tail wagging the dog again. That England, the part of the UK where UKIP get most of their support, and its 50 million plus people have had this dragged out because of objections from a group from a UK country with 3 million people where UKIP doesn't have as much success and which already has it's own assembly because said group still clings to an idea of UK governance they wouldn't be likely to find supported by their own people and certainly not in Scotland. Given the way they've been allowed to prevent this going forward for so long, and all the excitment about Nutall's original announcement that then vanished for months I'll believe it when it gets announced as official UKIP policy and appears in their manifesto.
2 replies · active 631 weeks ago
I can't wait for it to get in the manifesto either but the party chairman has confirmed that what I was given was genuine. He wasn't overly impressed that I'd got my hands on it but never mind.

I think the constitutional court is a stronger check and balance than the House of Lords.
Nowt necessarily wrong with both...
Close to the founding of the USA. The original constitutionalists had State strong governments with a Federal government that had an elected lower house, an appointed upper house, and a court that was supposed to interpret the constitution. Unfortunately it's been largely corrupted.
Much as I sympathise with much that UKIP stands for their support of a vile bastardised party list system (such as AMS) which would destroy the constituency link within our political is deeply worrying. The last thing this country needs is yet another political party carving up our electoral system out of self interest. Our democracy is not a toy to be messed with just to get more power..

Furthermore any changes in the nature of our constitutional relationship such as a confederation will have to pass the monarchy test.. If the proposals radically change the nations relationship (such as a confederation) with the Monarchy then any such proposals will likely be discredited. SImilarly anything which changes our relationship with the International community at large (EU aside) such as our seat on the UN Security council again must be avoided as it will just become a stick to beat such a policy with.

Sadly the rather limited document produced on this does not go anywhere near far enough in analysing the considerations.
Why do we not all just face up to reality and realise that "Unions" never have and never will work unless placed under a military despotism, where do you think the EU is going? Great Britain, being a Union of nations under treaty has finished, the Labour Party enacted the final violations of the treaty agreements with their criminal "devolution". Wales can do what it wants, Scotland can do what it wants and England can do what it wants, which includes setting up our properly constituted parliament. Who cares what the de facto UK Parliament thinks or wants, you do not ask a convicted criminal how he wants to be punished. Thereby England needs no permission from a UK Parliament, what ever that is, to elect our own national representative assembly. If the English parliament then consults the English people as to an association with Wales and Scotland and those countries likewise, this may then be termed a Confederation based upon those terms agreed. As for Cornwall, are you a nation? or are you a county? Lets call you a self governing province of England, with a Duke. If you do not like this then perhaps you would be better following your ancestors over to Britany? Do not forget Corner Wall was originally Dumnon or Devon and Devon has the ultimate right to re-integrate their lost land into a full English shire. The English will ultimately ask you the question, are you with us, or are you against us?
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
cweatherhill's avatar

cweatherhill · 630 weeks ago

Cornovia (Kernow) was a recognised division of Dumnonia c.400 AD - a good half-century before ever an English foot ventured out of northern Germany to tread British soil, and half a millenium before there was ever a place called England. Separate status was recognised in official documents prior to the mid 16th century, these stating "in Anglia et Cornubia" (in England and Cornwall). Our constitutional status is best described as a Crown Dependency, much like the Isle of Man and the Channel Isles. We have only been adminstered AS THOUGH we were part of England since the 1890s, and the Royal Commission on the Constitution 1973 highlighted the serious doubts about the legality of that. It also recommended that Cornwall be referred to as a Duchy and NOT as a "county". Most recenty (last June) in the Royal Flotilla on the Thames to mark the Jubilee, the Royal Barge 'Gloriana' flew a group of 6 flags: those of England, Scotland, Cornwall, Wales, Northern Ireland and the City of London, showing recognition at the highest possible level of the separate statuses of Cornwall and England. In answer to your question, we are neither for, nor against, you: England has every right to go its own way - it's had everything its own way for 1,000 years, after all - but not if it drags any of the indigenous Celtic nations with it. We, too, have an equal right to decide our own future.
PJW Holland's avatar

PJW Holland · 549 weeks ago

I think everyone needs to take a good hard look at how we have arrive at where we are. It is not as obvious as some might suggest.

The Scots objected to being treated differently (less advantageously they thought) to the Engllish.

Why did they think this? Because all the news concentrates on the South East of England and London in particular. The impression given is that only London matters and in Wesminster that is actually true. It does not, however, make Scotland less well treated than anywhere else apart from London.

Devolution made matters worse. There was a local administration but Scottish MPs were appointed to administer English services. There efforts were now even more concentrated on London and the South East.

There are two ways to remedy this.

You can wind back devolution and return to a single National Government... albeit considerably reformed.

You can devolve to each constituent country equally.

What you must not do is treat English regions as though they are equal to an entire country... or rather demote whole countries to the status of English regions which is how Scotland would view it. Never forget the present day concept of the regions is a European one. It is a foreign concept imposed on us and we should reject it.

UKIP needs to propose wide ranging constitutional reform. MPs should have proportionate votes in the commons i.e. one vote per 5,000 electors that participated in their election. Constituency size is no longer an issue and boundaries can be redrawn to reflect ACTUAL communities. Borough boundaries can be similarly revised. Local Government should be administered by the nearest major town or City with more localised groupings of elected members to consider issues such as planning.

Government can be common sense. Unfortunately that has never been present.

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