Saturday, 27 April 2013

Conservative anti-UKIP research unit exposed

On Thursday we said that Tory activists had been caught creating fake Facebook profiles pretending to be UKIP supporters and using them to try and discredit UKIP and antagonise supporters.  Today the Commentator reports on leaked documents from CCHQ briefing the Tory supporting press against UKIP candidates.

A team of Conservative Party researchers have been wasting time and money trying to dig up dirt on UKIP candidates rather than trying to win elections.  They have compiled dossiers on UKIP candidates from their Facebook and Twitter activities, even criticising someone's dancing ability in a Facebook video and suggesting that a picture of an undergraduate in a black tie undermined his bid to become a local politician.

As Nigel Farage told the press, UKIP doesn't have the time or resources to vet every one of its 1,700 candidates centrally and relies on branches to vet their own council candidates (Westminster and EU candidates are vetted centrally).  People joining the party sign a declaration that they aren't past or present members of a number of parties and organisations including the BNP, National Front and English Defence League.

In most cases the nutters and undesirables are either prevented from joining or caught out soon afterwards and expelled from the party but sometimes they aren't.  It should be remembered, though, that UKIP is the only party that bans these people from being members whereas the LibLabCon and others have no problem with former Nazi's standing for them or even actively recruit members of racist groups.

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Will Ferry's avatar

Will Ferry · 619 weeks ago

Did you see these comments from Jahangir Akhtar, deputy leader of Rotherham council, in the guardian regarding our candidate there.

"Round here we say Ukip are just BNP in nicer suits," said Akhtar. "Vines has extreme views more in line with the BNP. It exposes the lie that Ukip are a respectable, non-racist party."

Rotherham Council really do have a problem with us don't they! A bit of research on the man revealed that he narrowly avoided prison in 2002 after being involved in a violent drunken brawl. I think this needs to be publisiced. Akhtar shouldn't get away with this unchallenged.
Any slagging off of UKIP only makes the Party stronger, as there is no point in attacking a weak enemy.
I am so enjoying the muck raking that precedes the Council elections as it shows the desperation of the major parties.
However I do respect the opinions of others and enjoy discussing the situation with UKIPPERS and supporters of any party.

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