Saturday, 27 April 2013

More Labour postal vote convictions

Three Labour Party activists in Birmingham have been convicted of electoral fraud.

The three were caught in a police raid on what is described as a "vote-rigging factory" set up to defraud the postal vote system.  They were also found guilty of offering money for votes and of using threats and intimidation to secure votes, access ballot papers and intimidate voters.

Last year the Electoral Commission launched a review of vulnerabilities in the electoral system after almost a third of people surveyed after the last election said that electoral fraud had taken place.  In almost all cases it is Labour that are accused of electoral fraud and Baroness Warsi says that it is primarily Asians that are responsible.

There was a time when postal votes were available only for people who were out of the country on election day or too ill or otherwise incapacitated to attend the polling station.  Postal vote fraud in those days was rate, now it's considered to be normal and expected in many places and the party that benefits most from widespread electoral fraud is the party that introduced it.  The widespread fraud around postal voting shows that postal voting on demand is systemically flawed and the only way to stop it is to bring back the restrictions on postal voting that existed before Labour broke the system in 2001.

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Mike Spilligan's avatar

Mike Spilligan · 619 weeks ago

I agree with you 100% and knew this would happen. I live in one of the "pilot" areas which had trials about ten years ago, about which the public were invited to comment. Formerly I worked in an inner-London suburb with a very mixed (in all matters) population, and the character and attitudes of (I contend) the majority were surprising - for example; what is legal? - anything short of murder that one can reasonably get away with. I submitted a list of about eight points which could result in manipulation of the result - though I'd probably missed some. In response I got a polite letter saying that my comments and suggestions would be taken into account and that I would be sent a copy of the final report. Need I say that almost nothing changed, and I guess that "final report" was written well in advance. I suspect part of the problem is that the public servants who devised this live in quiet middle-class areas and have no idea of the mind set of the semi-criminal - nor do they want to have when they had been told by central government the result that was required.
Always Labour caught doing it - they've got a production line in postal votes.
raymond jones's avatar

raymond jones · 619 weeks ago

The post vote was forward thinking, the political class knew they was going to be trouble, because they knew in advance what their own plans were, and they knew the people would be enraged, so they would know much opposition would be afoot.hence the postal fiddle guarenteed to attract millions of alien votes, that is why they were brought in.
The postal vote - huh! It's a joke and a bill should go through parliament before the next European Elections and Local Elections saying that it can be used ONLY for people on holiday or those that are infirm. It's a no-brainer, but so unfair to let this carry on in its current form. It is outright fraud and intimidation.
David Pearson's avatar

David Pearson · 579 weeks ago

Postal voting should only be for people who were out of the country on election day or too ill or otherwise incapacitated to attend the polling station as it used to be. Now lazy gits who do not wish to go to the polling boots can get them. In fact just about anyone can qualify for a postal vote and the system is wide open to abuse and is abused in every election mainly by Labour. Scrap it NOW and let us get at least one iota of decency and fair play back into Politics. Any person caught and found guilty of abusing the system or aiding and abetting such abuse in any way should be sentenced to at least 10 years imprisonment without reductions or Parole before the sentence has run the full 10 years.
Pete Hodge's avatar

Pete Hodge · 579 weeks ago

Britsh elections are now as crooked as those in any third world dictatorship. So long as the Postal Vote system continues as it is I will not accept any election as bona fide. Yes it is Labour, using the ethnic community that is responsible for this.
Chris Taylor's avatar

Chris Taylor · 543 weeks ago

Labour through Asian vote buying and rigging are systematically defrauding the electoral process through fraud which is deeply embedded in many Asian cultures and is widespread in Asia. Postal voting needs to be curtailed and those caught rigging elections prosecuted and debarred from voting in future elections.
The Birmingham judge is now on-line at
The Tower Hamlets judgement in full is at

Read the site's judgement summary .......

Note: Labour didn't protest about election fraud, 4 ordinary members of the public did, even though Labour's candidate suffered from the fraud. Labour are the real experts in all forms of voting fraud - no one does it better.

The Tower Hamlets fraudsters were all trained by Labour.

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