Saturday, 21 September 2013

Bloom Blows It

How deflating.

After a great conference first day we were listening to the closing speeches when a clearly distressed Steve Crowther told us that Godfrey Bloom had put his foot in it again and in Nigel Farage's phrase "destroyed"  UKIP's conference. Of course after our successes on May 2nd his year there was much more media coverage than usual so this was a big chance blown to restart momentum after the usual summer hiatus.

Reaction in UKIP to Bloom's suspension in UKIP is apparently divided. "Free speech should triumph! No surrender to Political Correctness!" is the cry.

This reaction is understandable from those who fear that UKIP, now within sight of breaking the grotesque hold of the LibLabCon over our political discourse, will become corrupted in pursuit of power. I imagine it is waking nightmare for all of us who love our party and country that one day we may see it decay into playing the political class game of lies and evasions, spin and image that so revolts us and caused most of us to join UKIP in the first place.

However, I think on this occasion this reaction is wrong.

UKIP prides itself on telling the hard truths that our effete, cosseted, metrosexual political class continually shy away from. Fine. However, telling that truth almost always hurts the feelings of some of those who listen. Knowing this to be the case, we still do so because we consider it to be the lesser evil. That does not, though, makes us necessarily insensitive: indeed, there is still the onus on the truth teller to be as sensitive as possible in phrasing their remarks as to not cause gratuitous pain or in ways that could be misinterpreted to be grossly offensive or inflammatory.

None of us will always get the balance right and sometimes we will either shy away from battle or overstep the mark. However, Bloom's behaviour has consistently exhibited a casual insensitivity that at the very least bordered on prejudice.

Whatever the outcome of the National Executive Committee's deliberations, we simply can not afford this pattern of behaviour in the future.

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julie brown's avatar

julie brown · 600 weeks ago

I thought Nigel would last longer before selling his soul to Political Correctness, the Westminster elite and the MSM but my faith was quite obviously misplaced.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
Stuart Eels's avatar

Stuart Eels · 600 weeks ago

It's not a case of selling his soul, it's a case of 'we are a big party now and have o accept hat the left and right will be attacking every day. Godfrey Bloom seems to hold some magical position within the party, his says the most outrageous rubbish to further himself and has blown it.

What is his magical attraction to those who follow him? every speech is the same and yet his supporters hoot and cheer for no real reason! I hope this is the end of his UKip involvement but fear that 'will be forgiven and given one more chance.'
Many people I come across have welcomed Bloom's remarks, even though they may be an honest remark from a man who like many of us abhor political correctness and the demise of free thought and speech through the lefts attempts to gag a nation with fear of being labelled fruit cake, looney and /or racist. The conference proceedings I have seen online have been a success, so lets not be downhearted through the language of one man. I'm sure this wont hold us back. like a child, a political party has growing pains. So lets keep things in context and no deviate from our job... taking back our country.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
The unfortunate thing about it is that, while we are capable of keeping things in context, the media are not. They sacrifice honest, intelligent reporting, instead indulging in grotesque bias which smothers the real debates. They see a right-of-centre party becoming successful and getting a toehold in the mainstream, and they think: 'we can't have this, what can we do to scupper their chances?"

They hold the balance of power in this tyranny of words; they dictate to us what words we can and cannot use, and condemn the use of a word even though, when seen in context, it is meant and taken inoffensively in a harmless joke.

Their press of the playground wins the day over serious reporting. And then they say, 'UKIP's conference has been overshadowed', 'UKIP's message has been lost in the aftermath', when it is they themselves who are doing the overshadowing and the losing. They could easily rescue the party from being overshadowed and lost by reporting on the issues it raises in a responsible way, and by treating amusing 'gaffes', if that's what they want to call them, and if they want to report on them at all, as a humorous aside.
Neil Jukes's avatar

Neil Jukes · 600 weeks ago

I concur with the comments in the blog....
Guy Aston's avatar

Guy Aston · 600 weeks ago

To the establishment: "Get a life". If you look at the context and the situation, this was clearly a joke. The establishment press picked up on it and as always reported it without it's original context. Regrettably, the upper echelons of UKIP have helped give it legs by over reacting to the story. We should not sell our souls for votes; people like UKIP because it so much like them. Stay like it.
Hi Andrew.
“…in UKIP is apparently divided”.
Not so. But this is exactly what the ‘controlled’ media were hoping for, although I don‘t for one moment believe that UKIP members really are.
“….misinterpreted to be grossly offensive.”
I have heard the ‘slut’ recording and as far as I can tell there was nobody in that group of UKIP ladies even remotely ‘offended’. It was all good humoured and all were laughing and enjoying the joke.
Whacking an irritating little squirt with a pamphlet was unfortunate, but can you imagine what it was like being hounded and goaded into ‘loosing your rag’. Nigel, when accosted later on about his schooldays, handled the situation very much better.
I’m not taking sides on this issue. We need to stand together and fight our common enemy.
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Didn't I read somewhere that Jeremy was going to stand against Nick Clegg at the next election? That will certainly be a loose cannon and I definitely wouldn't vote for any so called 'celebrity' candidate.
It has always been the case that every Party has someone who is a bit of a loose cannon, I don't think, for example, Nadine Dorris, has caused a loss of support for the Tory Party.
I blame the media for concentrating on the trivial. It's a pity more people don't look further afield than their 'warm and cuddly' BBC. For example, I've just watched all the conference videos on YouTube. The real story, not biased edited clips presented by the MSM.
Let's look on the bright side, it may not turn out to be bad publicity after all,
warmingmyth's avatar

warmingmyth · 600 weeks ago

What also needs to happen is that Farrage, Crowther and co. need to develop somewhat thicker skins and not react to these smear campaigns. What they should have done is take lots of time to investigate it further and have a very slow and drawn out investigation and meeting by the national executive committee.
Farrage should further evolve his political thinking. He used to go around saying that when his political opponents take up UKIP policies then they would have won, then he realised that UKIP's opponents were so corrupt that they would say one thing one day and do the opposite the next day, so that now he quite rightly says that they want to replace the whole of the political class. He needs to come to the same position with the whole of the liberal metropolitan elite media and rather than react to their every slur, he should simply indicate that the liberal elite media need to be replaced.
I really like Godfrey Bloom and what he says is usually the truth. However, there are different ways of telling the truth and I am not talking about political correctness here, but simply being polite and well-mannered.

Godfrey lost his temper when he was surrounded by the media. Whatever the provocation (and Michael Crick is well-known for being rude and provocative), Godfrey should have kept his cool. He didn't and as a result all the media coverage was about him instead of about the Conference.

The Friday Conference was covered in full on BBC Parliament, but how many people watch that channel. On the main news channels, the only coverage was about Godfrey. I agree with Steve Crowther and Nigel Farage. All the hard work that many people had put into the Conference was completely wasted. I'm sorry to have to say it, but Godfrey has turned into a loose cannon and has brought the Party into disrepute. He cannot be allowed to continue to represent the Party.
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
"He cannot be allowed to continue to represent the Party."
I have just this week returned my candidate selection form with my choice of those who I wish to represent UKIP in the 'euros' next year. It will be interesting to see where Godfrey comes on that short-list. Wherever he comes, I will accept the democratic choice of the party members.
Unfortunately the closing date for voting was Friday 20th September, the very day that Godfrey chose to lose it..

I voted for Godfrey on his previous record, but I would not have voted for him had I seen what he did prior to casting my vote, so whatever the result of the vote, I don't think it will be a true result of how the members feel now.
Bloom's outrage at the black faces on the pamphlet question was entirely contrived, in order to makemamhasty betaway from the slut question.
He's a selfish oaf who let down his colleagues. He should resign.
For those of us of a liberal persuasion Mr Bloom is tremendously good value!

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