Labour MP Tony Benn has died this morning aged 88.
Benn was a well-respected MP and despite some unpopular views on abolishing the monarchy and supporting Sinn Féin he was one of the most popular on both sides of the political divide. He was a supporter of an EU referendum and opposed the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. He also criticised the IMF, World Bank and EU Commission who he said were unelected and unaccountable.
Friday, 14 March 2014
RIP Tony Benn
Tony Benn
RIP Tony Benn
Tony Benn|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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RIP Tony Benn
Tony Benn|
Brimstone52 63p · 574 weeks ago
KEV · 574 weeks ago
I bet Ed Milliband and the rest of the CHEAP LABOUR public school boys and girls are pissing themselves at their good luck before EU 2014