If you listen carefully you can hear the left wing extremists shouting racist abuse at them, including "coconut" and "oreo" - brown on the outside, white on the inside. It's not uncommon to hear black and Asian people call each other these names as banter but when it's screamed across a public auditorium at people you're branding racists it's clearly racial abuse.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Anti-UKIP protesters shout racist abuse at black and Asian candidates
Nigel Farage appeared at a meeting in London with a selection of UKIP candidates from ethnic minorities to ask how UKIP can be a racist party with so many BME candidates.
If you listen carefully you can hear the left wing extremists shouting racist abuse at them, including "coconut" and "oreo" - brown on the outside, white on the inside. It's not uncommon to hear black and Asian people call each other these names as banter but when it's screamed across a public auditorium at people you're branding racists it's clearly racial abuse.
If you listen carefully you can hear the left wing extremists shouting racist abuse at them, including "coconut" and "oreo" - brown on the outside, white on the inside. It's not uncommon to hear black and Asian people call each other these names as banter but when it's screamed across a public auditorium at people you're branding racists it's clearly racial abuse.
Anti-UKIP protesters shout racist abuse at black and Asian candidates

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Anti-UKIP protesters shout racist abuse at black and Asian candidates