A Conservative council candidate in London has been arrested for suspected electoral offences.
Michael Fadaka has a conviction for a £30k benefit fraud which was brought against him by Enfield Council - the same council he is standing for election to. Fadaka failed to mention the 12 month suspended sentence he was given in 2011 for the offence which means he is unable to stand for election anywhere in England and Wales until 2016.
It is too late to remove Fadaka's name from the ballot paper.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Conservative fraudster arrested for electoral offences
Michael Fadaka
Conservative fraudster arrested for electoral offences
Conservatives|Enfield|London|Michael Fadaka|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Conservative fraudster arrested for electoral offences
Conservatives|Enfield|London|Michael Fadaka|
Achilles · 566 weeks ago
You can never trust a Conservative to look after the interests of poor people.