Breitbart London is reporting that Nigel Farage is looking to do a deal with Beppe Grillo, the leader of the Italian anti-establishment Five Star Movement to form a group in the EU Parliament.
Under EU rules, groups have to have at least 25 members from parties in 7 different countries to be able to access funding and places on committees.
Grillo and Farage are both well known for their scathing attacks on traitorous politicians and admire each others' work. A deal with Grillo could help attract a much wider range of prospective partners and scupper David Cameron's attempts to woo UKIP's current partners away from the eurosceptic EFD group and into the Conservatives' europhile ECR group.
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 565 weeks ago
How low and underhand does it have to get?
"David Cameron's attempts to woo UKIP's current partners away from the eurosceptic EFD group and into the Conservatives' europhile ECR group."
Now the BNP have no MEP's, perhaps we could transfer their usual prefix of 'odorous' to Cameron's crowd?
Mike Spilligan · 565 weeks ago
idltdvirtm 103p · 565 weeks ago
Any partners who would consider a grouping with the UK Conservative party is not a fit partner for UKIP, time/effort spent looking at 'reforming' the EU is wasted. Time/Effort that should be spent in the UK, recruiting new UKIP voters for the 2015 general election.
If the EU renounced all of its law making powers disbanded its commission and parliament - then it would have made a small step in the right direction.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
The drums are calling all British Patriots to campaign in the Newark by-election.
Come and join the peoples army. Your country needs you.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Wont you come along and go. Wont you come along and go.
Your country is a calling. Can't you hear the bugles blow.
Wont you come along and go.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
This has never happened before. Its all part of the huge UKIP surge that is sweeping across Britain.
This is a truely national movement. UKIP has MEP's in all regions. This includes Wales and Scotland.
Come and join the peoples army. Campaign for freedom and democracy.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Everyone is talking about UKIP. Everyday there is something about UKIP on the TV.
Everyday there is something in the newspapers about UKIP.
Britain is in the grip of UKIP mania.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Footballer Joey Barton has apologised after describing UKIP as the best of "four really ugly girls".
The QPR midfielder made the comment during a heated exchange with Louise Bours, one of UKIP's newly elected MEPs, on the BBC's Question Time.
Ms Bours said the comments showed the footballer had "brains in his feet".
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Millions who voted Ukip will do so again at general election, poll suggests
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
UKIP's Newark by-election campaign is well underway and we want you all to be part of it.
We have a fantastic candidate in Roger Helmer, who is the only real opposition to the Conservatives in the seat.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Beppe Grillo and Nigel Farage met today in Brussels to share a meal, and discuss a future relationship which could possibly lead to the formation of a new group in the European Parliament
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
UKIP recorded an historic win in the European Elections, results confirmed last night, returning 24 MEPs, almost double its number of MEPs from 2009.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
It is important to understand why people voted for the UK Independence Party at last week's European elections, First Minister Carwyn Jones has told BBC Wales.
Labour topped the poll in the election in Wales with UKIP finishing a very close second.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
BBC received almost 1,200 complaints over Ukip election coverage.
These complaints are about the BBC giving UKIP too much airtime.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Nigel Farage was the last person on the programme. He got a 15 minutes slot just at the end.
He did very well. He got all the main UKIP points over very clearly.
Well done Nigel Farage. Lets boot the EU out of Britain. Campaign for freedom and democracy.
Come and join the peoples army.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
She is only little, but that did not stop her dominating the programme with the power of her will.
Well done Louise Bours. Be proud UKIP. Be very proud.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
What do you want to be called ? Lets consider the options.
1/ UKIP Supporter
2/ UKIP Member
3/ UKIPer
4/ Faragista
5/ Kippers
6/ UKippers
7/ YouKippers
8/ British Patriots
My choice is that I am a British Patriot. Because I believe that all UKIP policies are based on patriotism.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
The UKIP debate starts at 11 minutes 20 seconds.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
Is the UKIP bandwaggon still rolling, or is it running out of steam. To keep things rolling UKIP need a good result in Newark.
A UKIP victory would really stir things up. It would be UKIP's first MP. That would be a fantastic break through.
But a close second will do. A close second would keep the bandwaggon rolling.
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
UKIP no longer backs a single rate of income tax and is focusing on helping the lowest paid, leader Nigel Farage says
DICK R · 564 weeks ago
Achilles · 564 weeks ago
The French National Front have a doubtful history. UKIP is not a racist party.
Linking up with Le Pen could cost UKIP votes at the General Election.
Yes we should co-operate. But no formal link up. Better to be a small group with Farage in charge.
Than in a much bigger group with Le Pen in charge of the group.
DICK R what is important now is winning elections to the Westminster Parliament.