Friday, 22 August 2014

Have UKIP Betrayed Their Principles? - In Reply To @Wallaceme

Mark Wallace of ConservativeHome fame posted an article on his site yesterday, claiming that recent UKIP's policy announcements showed that the party had started to betray it's principles in return for  a chance in power.  Several hours later he was chortling on Twitter that he still hadn't received a decent response to his article from UKIP.

I am not sure if Mark meant an official response or not. Certainly I don't speak for the party officially, but here is a reply to some of his points.

 "It seems the libertarian tag they’ve worn for so long has been unceremoniously ditched. I’d argue they haven’t been meaningfully libertarian for quite some time - supporting the ban on same sex couples getting married, calling to ban the burqa and so on – but this is still a change in how they view and present themselves."

Here Mark has half a point but only half: it is plainly the case that the party has been drifting in a more socially conservative direction for a considerable time. However, this is hardly new news, and it is slightly disingenuous of him to present it as such. In any case, the party has never been purely Libertarian - from what I recall it's official line has always been anti-drug legalisation, for example.

He then goes on to wreck his own argument by bizarrely offering gay marriage as some sort of Libertarian litmus test, showing once again the weird preoccupations of the London elite and how estranged they are from the rest of us. Whatever the rights or wrongs of that particular issue, one thing it could not be said to do was add substantially to the sum of human liberty: it affects perhaps only 3-5% of the population and most of the rights that marriage offers were already available through civil partnerships. You can think of literally scores of issues where a Libertarian position would have vastly more impact on people's lives: localism, devolution, taxation, school vouchers, planning permission and so on. The grand daddy of Libertarian issues is, of course, the right to self government and the necessity of leaving the EU to achieve that. THAT is the true Libertarian litmus test, and one where UKIP has had a vastly better track record than any other party, including his own.

"Ukip has looked into public sector pensions: “I have, and then got very scared and ran away.” After a few moments, Aker adds that: “We haven’t looked into it.” He is clear, however, that Ukip will not suggest an increase in the retirement age."

This is Mark's strongest point. Tim Aker's remarks about public sector pensions certainly seem foolish. UKIP clearly should look at this issue because of the demographic realities he rightly points out. However, he then goes one to weaken his own position but making the glib assertion that:

"Similarly, the facts of an ageing demographic are undeniable and well known. As the population ages, retirement ages must also rise – it’s simple mathematics."

No - it isn't that simple at all. The major problem is that although we are living longer, it is not necessarily the case that we retain the abilities we need to work longer. Here Mark perhaps betrays a middle class Tory bias in his thinking whereas UKIP, as a more working class party, can not afford to be so simplistic. Because physical strength declines before cognitive abilities, raising the retirement age impacts far more on those doing manual work than it does in professional occupations. With luck, a lawyer or a doctor may be perfectly able to function in their professions into their 70s. That is simply not the case if you are mending the roads with a jackhammer. No wonder working class Toryism is dying when the Tories seem to have completely lost touch with their concerns. Thanks for all those ex-supporters, though, Mark - much appreciated.

Mark then opines that we are following LidDem tactics of telling different audiences what they want to here and it will cause us future trouble:

"In short, UKIP have just done exactly what they accuse the “LibLabCon” of doing – putting their chances of advancement at the ballot box ahead of the principles and national interest which they claim to hold dear. It’s an understandable decision, in some ways, but it’s also a massive cheek."

Here pots and kettles come to mind. After all, Mark belongs to a party that not only thinks it cool to junk virtually all of it's previously held principles but to deliberately humiliate it's own activists and supporters in the process. 

Of course he is right that if we did follow the LibDem route of total lack of principle we would store up considerable trouble in the future, and rightly so. However, it is rather too early on the basis of one or two policies to say that is what the party is doing.  No political party serious about government campaigns on a platform of absolute ideological purity and UKIP are no exception: it's a matter of degree.

Finally, in response to his rather condescending tweat asking why UKIP hasn't responded formally to him, perhaps he would like to reflect that as his dying and decaying party fades from the scene, what it's spokesmen have to say is of less and less interest to anyone.

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The problem that Marky boy and the rest of the LIBLABCON have is that they have never had to deal with an opponent who is not blinded by the ideology's of the Right and the Left and they do not know how to deal with it !

I would like to think that we in UKIP make our policy's on what's Right and Wrong rather than what side of the Right and Left argument you are on , because that is what has got us in this social and economic mess to start with
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Kev good comment. We are not blinded by ideology. We are patriots and want what is best for Britain.
And as far as the baby-boomers/pensioner- boomers argument these MetroLiberal people always "forget" one important fact. During their long working lives they have been also taxpaying- boomers - and even when they retire they still pay a great amount of their tax (spending taxes). They have paid up front for any pensions and if the LibLabCon governments have squandered the money it ain't their problem. The country should also be awash with surplus cash because we have been an oil-rich state for many decades - all the rest are so why have we never been? Bad governance on their part does not constitute an emergency on our part.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Good point Steve. Where has that oil bonanza gone ?
The central point of UKIP policy is leaving the European Union.

Everything else is up for negotiation. But the glue that holds UKIP together is our wish for independence.

That is where we are different to all other parties. We are British Patriots.

Long live the peoples army.
Our tax policies are a wasted opportunity, Britain should be our priority. No tax on the minimum wage means subsidising employers who pay it, it does not benefit the tax payer. Cutting the top rate of tax is not a priority nor is a rise in the level of its introduction, we are £1.2tr in debt this is no time to be giving away tax income. We deserve much, much better, if we want the lowest paid to have more income raise the minimum wage, don't encourage employers to pay it be subsiding them a zero tax rate on it. Nigel called it the national maximum wage and here we are encouraging employers to pay it. Bigger employers can afford to pay more so create a two tier minimum wage with a higher level for larger companies. If the cost of these policies is £20bn that's the EU and Foreign aid budgets spent.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago

I am concerned that Britain does not make enough things. I observe that British free enterprise is very bad at making things. We used to be the workshop of the world but now we rely on imports for most of our manufactured good.

I believe the only way to reverse this trend is for the British government to encourage and support British manufacturing.

This was a central part of UKIP policy at one time. But as the jobs got swapped around, and new faces came in this policy vanished from the UKIP website.

Britain is now in the middle of an import led boom. The trade defict is growing. We are heading for a crisis where we cannot pay for all these imports with more ane more borrowed money.

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