Saturday, 30 August 2014
Lib Dem Mayor and Lib Dem and Labour councillors resign over sex offender taxi drivers
The Lib Dem Mayor of Milton Keynes, Cllr Subhan Shafiq, has resigned after personally vouching for a convicted sex offender to allow him to become a taxi driver.
Two other councillors - Lib Dem councillor Stuart Burke and Labour councillor Gladstone McKenzie - have also resigned from their posts for their part in allowing sex offenders drive taxis in the city but will remain councillors.
A number of sex offenders and people who "caused the council concern" were found to have "inexplicably" been given taxi drivers' licences during a review of taxi drivers by the council. It was subsequently found that the three had been involved in the decision to grant the licences.
Cllr Gladstone McKenzie,
Cllr Stuart Burke,
Lib Dems,
Mayor Subhan Shafiq,
Milton Keynes
Lib Dem Mayor and Lib Dem and Labour councillors resign over sex offender taxi drivers
Cllr Gladstone McKenzie|Cllr Stuart Burke|Labour|Lib Dems|Mayor Subhan Shafiq|Milton Keynes|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Lib Dem Mayor and Lib Dem and Labour councillors resign over sex offender taxi drivers
Cllr Gladstone McKenzie|Cllr Stuart Burke|Labour|Lib Dems|Mayor Subhan Shafiq|Milton Keynes|