The ruling Labour group on Wirral Borough Council has removed all non-Labour chairmen from its scrutiny committees.
The purpose of scrutiny committees is to review the actions of the ruling cabinet to ensure they are taken in the best interests of the local area and within the rules. The committees scrutinising the Labour cabinet will now be led by Labour councillors.
Lib Dem and Conservative councillors on Wirral Borough Council have criticised Labour for circumventing the system of checks of balances. The leader of the Labour group, Cllr Phil Davies, says that there is no legal requirement for opposition councillors to chair scrutiny committees so they're not chairing them.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Wirral Labour marking their own homework
Cllr Phil Davies,
Wirral Council
Wirral Labour marking their own homework
Cllr Phil Davies|Wirral Council|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Wirral Labour marking their own homework
Cllr Phil Davies|Wirral Council|
Achilles · 555 weeks ago