Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Shaun Wright resigns

South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Shaun Wright, has resigned today after finally taking the hint that his position was untenable because of the part he played in the cover-up of child sex abuse in Rotherham.

Shaun Wright was the cabinet member for Childrens' Services at Rotherham Borough Council for five years before standing down to stand form PCC. The council was well aware of the scale of abuse in Rotherham but allowed it to be covered up because officers were more worried about being accused of being racist than they were of the welfare of 1,400 vulnerable children who were preyed on by gangs of mainly Pakistani and Kashmiri men.

UKIP MEP Jane Collins has called for a criminal investigation into Shaun Wright's failure to protect children who were known to be victims of abuse during his time in charge of social services at Rotherham and for all the councillors and council officers involved in the cover up - especially chief child snatcher Joyce Thacker - to resign.