Another Labour politician has called for patients to be charged to use the NHS.
While the Labour are busy spreading lies about UKIP wanting to charge people to visit their GP (UKIP have never suggested this) their own politicians actually are suggesting the things they're falsely accusing UKIP of!
Earlier this year Labour's Lord Warner called for a £10 per month NHS tax on top of National Insurance to pay for the health service and a £20 per night charge for hospital stays. Now another Labour peer - the TV documentary star Lord Robert Winston - has called for even higher charges for the NHS. Lord Winston says that we should be charged £200 for a GP visit to make us appreciate the cost of the NHS.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Another Labour peer calls for charges to use the NHS
Lord Robert Winston,
Another Labour peer calls for charges to use the NHS
Labour|Lord Robert Winston|NHS|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Another Labour peer calls for charges to use the NHS
Labour|Lord Robert Winston|NHS|
Joan Booth · 545 weeks ago
Your statement is false.
UKIP sent a tweet which included a link to an article by written by Mr. Jonathan Stanley, Member of UKIP health forum in which he states ;
In summary UKIP would:
• Allow mutual providers, including GPs, to charge a flat fee to see non-emergency cases
wonkotsane 85p · 545 weeks ago
I cannot think of a single person who would want their GP visit to be a rushed job. We have to fight for quality and make more of unused capacity in the system. At the moment GPs are not allowed to offer their NHS patients private appointments yet research shows time and again a subset of patients would be willing to pay for such a service, and leave more capacity for everyone else. And no, this is NOT charging NHS patients to see their GP as Labour love to bark on about.
Every weekend, evening, every other Wednesday and Bank Holidays see prime medical real estate lie empty for training days or holidays. If GPs were allowed to offer private appointments out of hours, and maybe hire a sessional GP on the weekends for minor injuries and one off issues think of how many more services could be offered? The system would be self funding and open practices to patients beyond their original lists, creating competition to drive that fight for quality.
duncanmcfarlane 4p · 531 weeks ago
And it's put in the shade by Nigel Farage being caught on video saying he thought the NHS should be scrapped and replaced with a National Health Insurance system (taking us backwards to a system we last had before World War Two). And since UKIP's only MPs are defectors from the right wing of the Conservative party, and even the centre of the Conservative party is privatising the NHS as fast as it can, it's a safe bet the rest of UKIP doesn't really want the NHS either.
wonkotsane 85p · 531 weeks ago