A Labour councillor in Basildon stormed out of a council meeting on housing on Thursday night after accusing UKIP councillors of being racist.
The meeting was looking at housing shortages and UKIP councillor Linda Allport-Hodge pointed out that we only need to build such high numbers of new houses because of mass immigration. Labour councillor Pat Rackley stood up and accused UKIP of being racist and then stormed out of the meeting.
Cllr Rackley could have just been playing political games but it's quite likely that she actually believes the Labour Party's propaganda that immigration doesn't cause housing shortages, unemployment and strain on public services. It's hard to believe such people exist let alone manage to get elected.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Basildon Labour councillor storms out of meeting shouting racist at UKIP councillor
Cllr Linda Allport-Hodge,
Cllr Pat Rackley,
Basildon Labour councillor storms out of meeting shouting racist at UKIP councillor
Basildon|Cllr Linda Allport-Hodge|Cllr Pat Rackley|Labour|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Basildon Labour councillor storms out of meeting shouting racist at UKIP councillor
Basildon|Cllr Linda Allport-Hodge|Cllr Pat Rackley|Labour|