Tuesday, 14 October 2014

BBC Panorama hatchet job on Farage and UKIP

The BBC finally aired the Panorama hatchet job last night that Nigel Farage has been warning us about for the last few weeks and what a disgraceful piece of politically-motivated gutter journalism it was too.

The BBC's charter says that the BBC must be impartial and balanced but this programme was anything but. The programme set out to attempt to discredit Nigel Farage and UKIP from the outset, dredging up disaffected former members, defectors and agitators to sling mud.

There was no balance to the programme, just a string of baseless accusations and innuendo. It was like watching a televised version of the anti-UKIP Junius blog and many of the slurs Darragh MacIntyre came out with appeared to be lifted directly from that website.

Panorama spent two years putting together their programme and many of UKIP's opponents were hoping that it would bring down Farage. What's actually happened is that the BBC have been widely criticised for their bias and a large number of complaints have been made. You can add your own complaint via the BBC Complaints website.

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Try linking to the excellent Biased BBC blog -
I have sent a complaint to the BBC about the Panorama programme It was so untrue it was probably illegal - slanderous. I hope that Nigel will have the right to reply and that the journalist involved will be fired.
Jerry Fryman's avatar

Jerry Fryman · 545 weeks ago

I think I will complain to the BBC about the excessive amount of air time UKIP is generating at the expense of the other.
I can understand why you are annoyed about Panorama but the piss poor voting record of Farage and the rude contemptuous behaviour at the EU parliament speaks volumes.
Diane Abbott has had years and years in politics to get her act right but even now she lacks in all the qualities to make a good politician. The main parties have had many more years to get their act together and yet even they always seem to be on a slippery slope, sometimes getting it right and quite often not, they have spent years wasting public funds and also in effect stealing public funds with false expenses etc.

Nigel Farage and UKIP will get their chance too and hopefully they will bring some balance to this country and we can once again be the GREAT in Great Britain for real, not just appearing to be so by giving away money we have not got and is part of our on-going debt.

If UKIP get a coalition and I hope they do, if they do well at that I hope they go on to lead the country and if they make the same mistakes the other politicians have been making in the last 3 decades or so then we are no worse off are we and hopefully we can get rid of Diane Abbot THE SPECTATOR for good

BBC we are not amused - the panorama programme brought the worse bits together twisted them around mismatched facts and try to fool the public but we are NOT stupid

WE should congratulate Nigel Farage on getting so far given the odds against him AND now he's getting there other goods ones will join , it's human nature.

I love this country and want to look after it that's why I have voted UKIP for last 3 years
Diane Abbott has had years and years in politics to get her act right but even now she lacks in all the qualities to make a good politician. The main parties have had many more years to get their act together and yet even they always seem to be on a slippery slope, sometimes getting it right and quite often not, they have spent years wasting public funds and also in effect stealing public funds with false expenses etc.

Nigel Farage and UKIP will get their chance too and hopefully they will bring some balance to this country and we can once again be the GREAT in Great Britain for real, not just appearing to be so by giving away money we have not got and is part of our on-going debt.

If UKIP get a coalition and I hope they do, if they do well at that I hope they go on to lead the country and if they make the same mistakes the other politicians have been making in the last 3 decades or so then we are no worse off are we and hopefully we can get rid of Diane Abbot THE SPECTATOR for good

BBC we are not amused - the panorama programme brought the worse bits together twisted them around mismatched facts and try to fool the public but we are NOT stupid

WE should congratulate Nigel Farage on getting so far given the odds against him AND now he's getting there other goods ones will join , it's human nature.

I love this country and want to look after it that's why I have voted UKIP for last 3 years

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