A Malvern Green Party Councillor has been banned from entering his own council offices and had his council emails blocked.
The Chief Executive of Malvern District Council reportedly "erupted, blew up" at town and district councillor, Clive Smith, over his dealings with a junior employee at the council. Former Lib Dem turned Green, Cllr Smith, has a history of fractious dealings with council staff.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Malvern Green Party councillor banned from council offices
Cllr Clive Smith,
Green Party,
Malvern Green Party councillor banned from council offices
Cllr Clive Smith|Green Party|Malvern|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Malvern Green Party councillor banned from council offices
Cllr Clive Smith|Green Party|Malvern|