The National Union of Students have refused to back a motion condemning ISIS terrorists because it's "Islamophobic" but happily passed a motion to email all their students on election day next year telling them not to vote UKIP.
The motion condemning ISIS also condemned American military aggression using ISIS as an excuse, called for support for Muslim unity and a boycott of people who fund ISIS but the hard left leadership of the NUS mobilised a bloc vote against it. They instead voted for a motion to boycott UKIP and email all their students telling them not to vote UKIP on polling day.
So the NUS has decided to use its considerable resources and influence not to help fight against terrorism and extremism but to help the Labour Party at the next election. Good call, comrades.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
National Union of Students votes to boycott UKIP and turn a blind eye to ISIS
National Union of Students,
National Union of Students votes to boycott UKIP and turn a blind eye to ISIS
ISIS|National Union of Students|NUS|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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National Union of Students votes to boycott UKIP and turn a blind eye to ISIS
ISIS|National Union of Students|NUS|
@DavidFullstone · 539 weeks ago