The Europe of Freedom & Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group has been saved by Polish MEP, Robert Iwaszkiewicz.
Iwaszkiewicz is a member of the KNP, a right wing conservative libertarian party. The EFDD group are arguing that Iwaszkiewicz joined the group before Iveta Grigule was bribed to leave the group by Martin Schultz so the group was never legitimately disbanded. The powers that be disagree of course and are going to drag out reconstituting the group as long as possible.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Polish MEP saves EFDD group
EFDD Group,
Robert Iwaszkiewicz MEP
Polish MEP saves EFDD group
EFDD Group|KNP|Poland|Robert Iwaszkiewicz MEP|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Polish MEP saves EFDD group
EFDD Group|KNP|Poland|Robert Iwaszkiewicz MEP|