The former chairman and deputy chairman of Medway Conservatives and an independent Medway councillor have defected to UKIP.
Cllr Chris Irvine was Mark Reckless' chief of staff until the MP defected to UKIP and resigned to call a by-election. He is acting as Mark Reckless' agent for the Middleton & Heywood by-election and had resigned from the Conservatives on the same day as Mark Reckless but wanted to sit as an independent until he could get feedback from his constituents. It would appear that the feedback was that they want a UKIP councillor to go with their UKIP MP.
Richard Andrews is the former chairman of Rochester & Strood Conservatives and Keith Bamber is the former Conservative group whip and deputy chairman of the local party. They have both defected to UKIP.
UKIP now has two councillors on Medway council.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Three Medway Tories defect to UKIP
Cllr Chris Irvine,
Mark Reckless,
Three Medway Tories defect to UKIP
Cllr Chris Irvine|Conservatives|Defections|Mark Reckless|Medway|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Three Medway Tories defect to UKIP
Cllr Chris Irvine|Conservatives|Defections|Mark Reckless|Medway|