UKIP Sandwell councillor Philip Garrett has asked for an investigation into the sale of a council-owed HM Coroner's office to the son of the council's Asset Management and Land Disposal Committee chairman.
Labour councillor, Mahboob Hussain, chairs the committee which approved recommendations by council officers to sell the HM Coroner's office in Smethwick. It was sold to Hussain's son for £80k and was sold at auction seven months later for £120k.
Cllr Garrett and two former councillors (independent socialist and Conservative) have asked for the investigation into whether the council got the best value from selling the building to Azeen Hafeez.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
UKIP councillor calls for investigation into Sandwell Council asset sale
Cllr Philip Garrett,
UKIP councillor calls for investigation into Sandwell Council asset sale
Cllr Philip Garrett|Sandwell|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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UKIP councillor calls for investigation into Sandwell Council asset sale
Cllr Philip Garrett|Sandwell|