A former Labour councillor in Wales has accused the Welsh Labour Party of abusing the Labour Party's sexist, discriminatory all-women shortlist policy to help preferred candidates win selection.
The Labour Party has been using all-women shortlists to select candidates for some time even though they have been ruled illegal on more than one occasion. Former councillor Siobhan Corria has accused the Welsh Labour Party of only enforcing all-women shortlists where they don't have a preferred male candidate.
The Labour Party denies the accusation and says that it consistently discriminates against men to artificially inflate the number of women in the Welsh Assembly and town halls across Wales.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Former Labour councillor accuses Welsh Labour of using discrimination inconsistently
Former Labour councillor accuses Welsh Labour of using discrimination inconsistently
All-women Shortlists|Labour|Positive Discrimination|Siobhan Corria|Wales|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Former Labour councillor accuses Welsh Labour of using discrimination inconsistently
All-women Shortlists|Labour|Positive Discrimination|Siobhan Corria|Wales|